Red Dirt Rocker

Red Dirt Rocker
Y/A novel by Jody French--Inspired by the adventures of musician- Forrest French

Monday, January 9, 2012

Exciting Monday Mornings! Sample Chapter of My Book on Website!

Don't you just love Monday mornings that have a twist to them.  I mean a good twist, something out of the ordinary and exciting.  Well, my mundane Monday morning had just that today.  My publisher emailed me with the news that they have posted a sample chapter of my young adult book, "Red Dirt Rocker!"

I feel thrilled, nervous, and spoiled all at the same time.  The "spoiled" part may sound out of place but it's there non the less.  I know I have worked so hard for the past two years to put my thoughts to paper or computer screen but, to have been graciously picked up by a traditional publisher that found a spark of loveliness and potential in my work really does makes me feel a bit spoiled.

I am so grateful and blessed.  I do know that if you believe in something you can absolutely make it happen.  Just put one foot in front of the other, or a sentence on a page each day.  It may take time and some days you might be tempted to give up, but just have perseverance.  The only thing that can stop you is yourself!

If you would like to pop over and read the chapter, it can be found at  They even posted a photo of my smiling mug.  What a very strange and satisfying morning.

Blessings and encouragement to all that have dreams!

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