Friday, December 14, 2012
Mothers love your sons. Tell them that you love them every day. Spend as much time with them as you possibly can while they are growing up ---(and even when they are fully grown.) Raise them to be sensitive and empathetic. Raise them to be strong---to stand like a rock, and to someday be a Godly influence and loving head of their own households. Tell them often, how proud you are of them for the good things they have done---I believe that you can never tell them enough. There is an epidemic of lost, young adult souls in our world. Just love your them your love every day of their lives when you're with them. They will carry that love and security with them forever~~words cannot describe how sad I am today. But for every night there's a day, for every storm there's a calm, and for every ounce of hate and strife there is love and peace. Prayers with so many today~
Thursday, December 13, 2012
My grand son Landon and I just got through doing something that some of you with toddler children and grand children might like to do. I find it such an abstract thing to try to teach very young ones about the true meaning of Christmas---that it is a celebration of Christ's birth, (they really get excited about Santa though, which is fine.) Well, last year I bought several boxes of assorted, glittery, sweet, religious themed Christmas cards for probably 50 cents each. I also have lots of Holiday stickers and return labels in the mail (since I donated to Special Olympics every organization is sending me little incentives and requests for donations.) I sat down with Landon and asked him if he wanted to fill out a card for his mom and dad. He was so excited, I let him pick out which card he wanted to give to each parent and he decorated them with stickers, colored them, and I helped him write his name in them. As we looked through the cards, I told him about each scene on the front, the Wise Men, shepherds, angels, Bethlehem, the star in the sky, baby Jesus in the manger with the animals all around...all the pics that were on the front. We opened the cards and read the simple Christmas messages that were imprinted in them. His little eyes were shining as we went through the bright colored cards. He really seemed to pay attention and repeated things that I asked him about the cards as he decorated them. After he got his mom and dad's done, I gave him the box, stickers, etc. and them let him color, sticker, etc. all the ones he wanted. I think I'll do this every year. You can get Christmas cards and stickers for a dime on the dollar after Christmas. We had so much fun, and it wasn't just all about Santa. (We did have some Santa stickers too though...we put him in the manger :) Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Hey all you middle school readers out there..."Red Dirt Rocker" is now a part of the Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader Enterprise. Pick up your copy of "Red Dirt Rocker", (and if they do not have it in your library, feel free to request your librarian to order it), log on and start testing away! The wonderful sixth graders at IGC Mission Middle School in Coweta are testing as we speak! I'm soooo excited!
Happy reading y'all!! And I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions about the book, what inspired me to write, etc. please feel free to email me!!
You guys rock!
Happy reading y'all!! And I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions about the book, what inspired me to write, etc. please feel free to email me!!
You guys rock!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
I am so honored that my young adult novel, "Red Dirt Rocker" will soon be a part of the Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader Enterprise. Middle school students will have the opportunity to read "Red Dirt Rocker," and then take a test on its contents in order to achieve more points toward their yearly reading goal. This program is a great tool to aid in reading comprehension and confidence.
A big thank you to Coweta Mission IGC librarian Mrs. Susan Landers, and to my publisher Neverland Publishing for their efforts in placing "Red Dirt Rocker" into the program.
Happy reading to all my middle school fans out there. I can't wait for you to be able to begin testing!
A big thank you to Coweta Mission IGC librarian Mrs. Susan Landers, and to my publisher Neverland Publishing for their efforts in placing "Red Dirt Rocker" into the program.
Happy reading to all my middle school fans out there. I can't wait for you to be able to begin testing!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
McDonalds and Herding Cats~~Good Sunday
What a fun morning--Monty and I took or Senior Sunday School to Sticky Buns Donut Shop for donuts, (and my daughter Jess, Caleb, Clara Jane and Landon were just pulling up to get some sprinkled pastries before church too!) Then had all of my Grand babies (except for baby Annabelle, who will make her church debut on December 16th for her dedication,) in extended session for Children's Church---We had a great group, and I loved Forrest's expression, "it was like herding cats!!" ...After we went to McDonalds with Maddy and Eddie Jett before taking them back home. Maddy had a beautiful white dress and sweater on and didn't get one drop of ketchup on her---Forrest however was wearing his best white button down. He had a napkin stuck in his tie and was bragging how he'd also not gotten a speck of ketchup on his white shirt either...enter Eddie Jett hugging him with tomato mouth right on the collar--ha-ha----Then got to cuddle with Baby Bell for a bit when we took them home (and Sky removed the ketchup from Forrest's prized Express white crisp shirt)~ Ready to put my feet up and read now~Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
I thought I would share my favorite excerpt from my book~ and a cool pic that I took in New Orleans at The House of Blues~
Excerpt From Red Dirt Rocker. Chapter 5, pgs 40-42
Aunt Carmen says or band is as organic as the horse manure in her south forty. I think that means that it all came together in a very natural way. We decided on our band's name after high speed winds forced me and the boys into the farm's root cellar one stormy afternoon. We were practicing when Aunt Carmen came busting through the barn door. She had a sense of urgency on her face, and ordered us to follow her while maintaining a controlled panic.
As we ran across the farmyard, I noticed the sky had turned a sickly grey-green color. Hail the size of quarters began pelting us. I spotted Mollie trying to squeeze through the lattice under the front porch and sprinted to pick her up. Aunt Carmen screamed for me to let her be, but I just couldn't. I grabbed Mollie, soaking my shirt with the skunky smell of wet dog, and jogged back to the shelter. I handed her down to the other boys as she grunted and groaned from arthritis. I then insisted that Aunt Carmen climb down the steep rickety steps before me.
As I held the door open for her, the hail stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and blackness came. It became eerily calm. I started my descent down the cellar stairs. It was like a scene from a nightmare. I looked up to see the wicked side-winding twister that had emerged from the ominous squall line. The door fell shut with a sharp crack and we all huddled together in the darkness. The smell of garden onions and dusty potatoes was thick in the humid air.
Next came the sound...the forbidding sound that only a tornado makes. A growling, rumbling, whistling sound as though the 10:00 Frisco freight train had been diverted directly across the top of the root cellar door and was ready to fall in on top of us.
We were all paralyzed with fear as the twister roared over like an angry monster. I've never felt so small, so scared, so close to God. Aunt Carmen held the boys and me in her motherly arms and prayed out loud to Jesus. Dirt and wood splinters spun violently over our heads and it sounded like someone cracking open a pop-top can. The sucking winds ripped the door off the root cellar, but we didn't budge. It was all over in a matter of two terrifying minutes. The untamed twister disappeared back into the dark and thick rolling clouds.
Jake was the first to go back up. The boys and I hoisted Mollie up the stairs brigade-style. We expected to see a war zone as we emerged from our bunker, but to our shock and relief, the tornado hadn't done much damage to the barn or the house. They were both left virtually unscathed. The only things the twister took with it were an old rusty plow, two black shutters from the house, and the creaky wooden door to the root cellar.
The boys and I stood in disbelief as we surveyed the property. all the color had drained from Cody's face. He repeated over and over, "The cellar door is gone...the cellar door is gone."
"Cellar Door Is Gone...that's it...that's our band's name," I said in no more than a whisper. The hair on our arms seemed to practically stand up and shout, "Yes!" The boys heard me loud and clear.
The sun began to peek back out from behind the smeared, grey clouds. The cold drops of rain dissipated. Wispy chicken feathers, or perhaps bits of the snowy down of the angel wings that protected us that day, swirled around our tennis shoes. My band brothers and I shook our heads in agreement---Cellar Door Is Gone it was.
RED DIRT ROCKER~ by Jody French
Excerpt From Red Dirt Rocker. Chapter 5, pgs 40-42
Aunt Carmen says or band is as organic as the horse manure in her south forty. I think that means that it all came together in a very natural way. We decided on our band's name after high speed winds forced me and the boys into the farm's root cellar one stormy afternoon. We were practicing when Aunt Carmen came busting through the barn door. She had a sense of urgency on her face, and ordered us to follow her while maintaining a controlled panic.
As we ran across the farmyard, I noticed the sky had turned a sickly grey-green color. Hail the size of quarters began pelting us. I spotted Mollie trying to squeeze through the lattice under the front porch and sprinted to pick her up. Aunt Carmen screamed for me to let her be, but I just couldn't. I grabbed Mollie, soaking my shirt with the skunky smell of wet dog, and jogged back to the shelter. I handed her down to the other boys as she grunted and groaned from arthritis. I then insisted that Aunt Carmen climb down the steep rickety steps before me.
As I held the door open for her, the hail stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and blackness came. It became eerily calm. I started my descent down the cellar stairs. It was like a scene from a nightmare. I looked up to see the wicked side-winding twister that had emerged from the ominous squall line. The door fell shut with a sharp crack and we all huddled together in the darkness. The smell of garden onions and dusty potatoes was thick in the humid air.
Next came the sound...the forbidding sound that only a tornado makes. A growling, rumbling, whistling sound as though the 10:00 Frisco freight train had been diverted directly across the top of the root cellar door and was ready to fall in on top of us.
We were all paralyzed with fear as the twister roared over like an angry monster. I've never felt so small, so scared, so close to God. Aunt Carmen held the boys and me in her motherly arms and prayed out loud to Jesus. Dirt and wood splinters spun violently over our heads and it sounded like someone cracking open a pop-top can. The sucking winds ripped the door off the root cellar, but we didn't budge. It was all over in a matter of two terrifying minutes. The untamed twister disappeared back into the dark and thick rolling clouds.
Jake was the first to go back up. The boys and I hoisted Mollie up the stairs brigade-style. We expected to see a war zone as we emerged from our bunker, but to our shock and relief, the tornado hadn't done much damage to the barn or the house. They were both left virtually unscathed. The only things the twister took with it were an old rusty plow, two black shutters from the house, and the creaky wooden door to the root cellar.
The boys and I stood in disbelief as we surveyed the property. all the color had drained from Cody's face. He repeated over and over, "The cellar door is gone...the cellar door is gone."
"Cellar Door Is Gone...that's it...that's our band's name," I said in no more than a whisper. The hair on our arms seemed to practically stand up and shout, "Yes!" The boys heard me loud and clear.
The sun began to peek back out from behind the smeared, grey clouds. The cold drops of rain dissipated. Wispy chicken feathers, or perhaps bits of the snowy down of the angel wings that protected us that day, swirled around our tennis shoes. My band brothers and I shook our heads in agreement---Cellar Door Is Gone it was.
RED DIRT ROCKER~ by Jody French
Monday, November 5, 2012
Nascar Drivers and Special Needs Children~~
Visiting tonight with my cousin from Coweta that lives in Dallas who has a daughter with a very rare disorder. We are at the point of laughing at some of the crazy stuff that families of these children have to go through medically---like me and Sky killing 31/2 hours in Tulsa after Eddie Jett's first Dr. appt. today, waiting for a second referral, but the wrong address was on the paper. We arri
Shelley's blog is great for anyone with a special needs child in their family---"Confessions of a Sleep Deprived Momma." We think Skylar should write in a guest blog :) You have to give up and laugh at some point ---Eddie Jett always does!
ve, unload, walk up, stand in line..."Hmmm...noooo...he's not suppose to be here---hmmm...he's suppose to be all the way on the other side of Tulsa, like RIGHT NOW." Then (I have to be nice here) a dude parked and blocking the entire intersection in front of the Hospital is just chatting away with his "girlfriend" in another car parked directly beside him--we honk...he doesn't move...we honk again---he waves us off--gets mad, hand gestures us, and tells his "girlfriend" NOT to move her car---that we can just sit there until he's good and done!!! (Jody, controlling her impulse to RAM them out of the intersection)... 5 minutes later---Enter traffic jam backed up for 5 miles at a complete stand still between Harvard and Sheridan---(oh and your road construction!) Then my car, feeling like it's gonna break apart because it has strut issues from being rear ended twice this year, as we fly down the Creek Turnpike, yelling like crazy feinds at everyone to "get OUT of our way!" because we're NOT going to miss this appt this afternoon...mainly because Sky is trying not to go into labor in the midst of trying to get Eddie help. (Cross your legs Sky) Drive 3 times around SouthCrest (left turns only like Nascar) trying to find the right entrance----unload, I carry Eddie Jett up (Sky carries Annabelle with a waddle) and thank goodness Daddy Jeremy, who is done with work for the day, is there waiting for us! Eddie Jett leaps from my arms to his, smiles huge, and gives Jeremy the biggest hug and "oooohh" in the sweetest voice---
My cuz Shelley made me laugh so hard as she told me about her mother having to drive the "get away car" many times as Shelley stole things from the hospital to help keep her little Zoe ALIVE---(seriously) Oh, the choice words slip from our tongues every so often, as much as we hate to admit it in the midst of these "adventures." ---
Shelley's blog is great for anyone with a special needs child in their family---"Confessions of a Sleep Deprived Momma." We think Skylar should write in a guest blog :) You have to give up and laugh at some point ---Eddie Jett always does!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Making this tonight----It is THE BEST!!!!!! One of our family's favorites----we've had the beef, shredded on rolls with the horseradish sauce (OMGeeez) and also as a roast with mashed potatoes~~Cannot tell you how delicious this is! Easy t
oo---Monty's on vacation this week---it'll be fun having time off this time of the year. Can't wait to make all the Halloween treats and decorate more Wednesday. Forrest and the band will be playing at Trunk-Or-Treat at FBC Wednesday night also...they're dressing as an 80's rock band...let's just say Forrest fit into a pair of Miley Ray Cyrus stretch leopard print jeans that are a woman's size 3---- lol Hope everyone has a great weekend---
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Forrest and I made pies after he got home from school today. He made his first pumpkin pie and I made Paula Deans Chocolate Pie. It reminded me of when he used to go to Kindergarten for half a day. I would pick him up at noon and we'd spend the afternoons doing fun things. Glad he stayed close this year, and was able to take his college courses locally in Tulsa. I sure am enjoying this extra time. I'm a blessed Mama.
Here's the link to the pie Forrest made. It's the droolingly-delicious Eagle Brand recipe!
Here's the link to the pie Forrest made. It's the droolingly-delicious Eagle Brand recipe!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I do this thing. I would venture to say that anyone else with a mind for the creative does this as well. I wake up between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. and begin writing in my head...I'm exhausted from only four hours of sleep last night but, on the bright side, I now have notes for two more chapters of my second novel, "Rock Angel." I wanted to wake someone up and tell them how excited I was that my plot was developing nicely. I lay there, beside my passed out husband, smiling at my self-proclaimed, clever ideas. I kind of feel alone, except for the voices and images inside my head---is that normal?
They need to make a hot line for this. "Hello---are you there...yes...ok...I have this idea for the main character. It involves a walk around the block. Technology has deserted the streets where years ago, skateboards and bicycles riddled the sidewalks. Enter a cute, chubby neighborhood boy---he's sitting on his porch eating Cheetos---she talks him into shooting hoops with her. He gets Cheeto-cheese on the b-ball. They become friends, she brings him a CD the next day etc., etc. Just wait and all ties's heartwarming!" Voice on other end of the phone. "Wow!! I can't wait to read your new book! Keep up the great work Mrs. French!! I'm right here if you need anymore inspiration or encouragement! Keep writing!! Keep writing!! beeeep...Your credit card will be billed $19.95. Enjoy your morning!"
I wish there was a device that could plug into my ear and automatically type out all the ideas I have in the wee hours of the morning. My most productive hours. Reality hits with the rising of the sun.
AMC's "Walking Dead" just came on. Gotta go. Tonight I'm dreaming of zombies.
They need to make a hot line for this. "Hello---are you there...yes...ok...I have this idea for the main character. It involves a walk around the block. Technology has deserted the streets where years ago, skateboards and bicycles riddled the sidewalks. Enter a cute, chubby neighborhood boy---he's sitting on his porch eating Cheetos---she talks him into shooting hoops with her. He gets Cheeto-cheese on the b-ball. They become friends, she brings him a CD the next day etc., etc. Just wait and all ties's heartwarming!" Voice on other end of the phone. "Wow!! I can't wait to read your new book! Keep up the great work Mrs. French!! I'm right here if you need anymore inspiration or encouragement! Keep writing!! Keep writing!! beeeep...Your credit card will be billed $19.95. Enjoy your morning!"
I wish there was a device that could plug into my ear and automatically type out all the ideas I have in the wee hours of the morning. My most productive hours. Reality hits with the rising of the sun.
AMC's "Walking Dead" just came on. Gotta go. Tonight I'm dreaming of zombies.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
It's October...Sooner football is in high gear, the the leaves are changing, but that's not all that's changed in the past couple of weeks. I was saddened to find out that local Tulsa morning rock jocks, Phil Stone and Brent Douglas have left our incredible classic rock station, KMOD---Phil and Brent had been with KMOD for over 25 years.
Forrest's very first live radio show performance was on the morning show with Phil and Brent when he was just 11 years old. He got to sing a song from his band's original, and somewhat corny and juvenile set, and also a cover or two. I believe he sang Metallica's, "Wherever I May Roam," and Guns and Roses."Knockin' on Heaven's Door." This set the stage for the big time buzz in the Tulsa area regarding Forrest's vocals and his band's way beyond their years talent. Phil and Brent made he and his band mates feel so right at home in the intimidating radio studio, with all its illuminated buttons, bells and whistles. They had us all in stitches the entire time. Just like in my book Red Dirt Rocker, Phil and Brent razzed Forrest each time he appeared on their show, asking him how his voice could be so deep and mature sounding since he hadn't even hit puberty yet. His lack of facial hair and dating situations were always on the forefront of their conversations. Forrest took their good natured teasing with a grain of salt. He would continually "see them" a clever comment, and "raise them" a quip of quick witted banter as their, never-a-dull-moment interviews ensued--- Phil and Brent were two amazing, very cool dudes to spend a morning with. As Forrest put it with such poetic elegance when he was there for his first live interview, "They were two old farts that were still a lot of fun to be around!" I have that quote on record.
One comment I remember with most fondness as a parent, was when Phil asked Forrest if he appreciated school. I'll never forget that when Forrest told them that he loved school dearly and was actually interested in his studies, both Phil and Brent praised Forrest for his self admitted nerdiness. They gave him great advice, wished him the best of luck, and said they hoped he never got totally jaded by the music business, which can truly eat your lunch. They certainly knew that if your not careful, being a rock star can get the best of you, (or should I say, can bring the "worst of you" to the surface if you let it get to your head.) I really respected them for taking a break from all their teasing to have a bit of heartfelt conversation with Forrest. I know he did as well.
Our Rainbow Station, 97.5 KMOD lost a big part of it's color and shine when Phil and Brent left this month. I'm sure the great classic rock music will continue to flow from it's radio waves, but Phil and Brent, and The Morning Zoo will be dearly missed by this rock mom.
Forrest's very first live radio show performance was on the morning show with Phil and Brent when he was just 11 years old. He got to sing a song from his band's original, and somewhat corny and juvenile set, and also a cover or two. I believe he sang Metallica's, "Wherever I May Roam," and Guns and Roses."Knockin' on Heaven's Door." This set the stage for the big time buzz in the Tulsa area regarding Forrest's vocals and his band's way beyond their years talent. Phil and Brent made he and his band mates feel so right at home in the intimidating radio studio, with all its illuminated buttons, bells and whistles. They had us all in stitches the entire time. Just like in my book Red Dirt Rocker, Phil and Brent razzed Forrest each time he appeared on their show, asking him how his voice could be so deep and mature sounding since he hadn't even hit puberty yet. His lack of facial hair and dating situations were always on the forefront of their conversations. Forrest took their good natured teasing with a grain of salt. He would continually "see them" a clever comment, and "raise them" a quip of quick witted banter as their, never-a-dull-moment interviews ensued--- Phil and Brent were two amazing, very cool dudes to spend a morning with. As Forrest put it with such poetic elegance when he was there for his first live interview, "They were two old farts that were still a lot of fun to be around!" I have that quote on record.
One comment I remember with most fondness as a parent, was when Phil asked Forrest if he appreciated school. I'll never forget that when Forrest told them that he loved school dearly and was actually interested in his studies, both Phil and Brent praised Forrest for his self admitted nerdiness. They gave him great advice, wished him the best of luck, and said they hoped he never got totally jaded by the music business, which can truly eat your lunch. They certainly knew that if your not careful, being a rock star can get the best of you, (or should I say, can bring the "worst of you" to the surface if you let it get to your head.) I really respected them for taking a break from all their teasing to have a bit of heartfelt conversation with Forrest. I know he did as well.
Our Rainbow Station, 97.5 KMOD lost a big part of it's color and shine when Phil and Brent left this month. I'm sure the great classic rock music will continue to flow from it's radio waves, but Phil and Brent, and The Morning Zoo will be dearly missed by this rock mom.
BLAST FROM THE PAST~ Forrest with the gorgeous and inspirational Miss Taylor Swift at the Poll Star Awards in L.A.~~ They look like they could be bro and sis!!! (The younger (shorter) brother :) Wonderful memories!! Forrest said she looked just like a beautiful china doll!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The crispy red, orange, yellow and brown leaves click and scratch along the sunlit street, trying to hang on to the sidewalk one more day, one more minute, one more second, as the chilled breath of fall blows them at will. Beautiful October morning walk~~ jf
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Just Hanging Out At The Tracks~
I love this picture of Forrest and I. We were asked to be on the cover of the book, "Acoustic Reads," and this was one of the shots from the campaign.
The one that ended up on the cover is of us sitting on the porch of a beautiful older home that's a bed and breakfast now on the main street of Coweta. This shot below is in the body of the Anthology of poetry, short stories and photographs. It was an honor.
Thanks to Ashley McCorcle who took the shot. It will always be very special to me!
The one that ended up on the cover is of us sitting on the porch of a beautiful older home that's a bed and breakfast now on the main street of Coweta. This shot below is in the body of the Anthology of poetry, short stories and photographs. It was an honor.
Thanks to Ashley McCorcle who took the shot. It will always be very special to me!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Today I decided that I needed a day with my son doing something fun. Oddly enough, one of his favorite past times is finding new recipes and preparing them, so I invited him to Starbucks, and a trip with Mama to the grocery store. Our white chocolate latte and salted carmel coffee got us buzzing and off we went. Two stores later we had all the exotic ingredients for our dinner, (had to hit store number two for a pomegranate and coconut oil.) It all turned out amazing!
We made Talapia on a bed of kale steamed in butter, red wine vinegrette, and garlic, topped with pomegranate seeds, celery, and green onion sauteed in coconut oil (we opted for the spray pan coat coconut oil for healthier choice) and brown rice fragranced with Old Bay spice with fresh squeezed lemon---one of my new all-time favorite dishes.
It's been great that Forrest is on a big time work out regime and only eating healthy, high in protein meals. The bad part is, I'm the one sneaking into the Oreo cookies now, because I feel guilty if he sees me eating badly. He was the one that used to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The other down shot is that my house smells like eggs and tuna much of the time. Protein, protein, protein. Thank goodness for Febreeze!!
Anyway, it was a great day with my youngest child. Cooking adventures are always very rewarding. YUM~~Hope you all get a chance to try a recipe that you've never made before soon, or maybe just a, hot, rich, caffiene ladden beverage from Starbucks to get you going.
We made Talapia on a bed of kale steamed in butter, red wine vinegrette, and garlic, topped with pomegranate seeds, celery, and green onion sauteed in coconut oil (we opted for the spray pan coat coconut oil for healthier choice) and brown rice fragranced with Old Bay spice with fresh squeezed lemon---one of my new all-time favorite dishes.
It's been great that Forrest is on a big time work out regime and only eating healthy, high in protein meals. The bad part is, I'm the one sneaking into the Oreo cookies now, because I feel guilty if he sees me eating badly. He was the one that used to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The other down shot is that my house smells like eggs and tuna much of the time. Protein, protein, protein. Thank goodness for Febreeze!!
Anyway, it was a great day with my youngest child. Cooking adventures are always very rewarding. YUM~~Hope you all get a chance to try a recipe that you've never made before soon, or maybe just a, hot, rich, caffiene ladden beverage from Starbucks to get you going.
Homecoming Queen!
Morgan is Coweta's 2012 Homecoming Queen!! Congratulations, beautiful Morgan!!
Fall Break starts tomorrow. My goal over the break is to get the virus on my computer wiped out so that I can retrieve the first two chapters of my new book, "Rock Angel." My sister is heading out to go trail riding for the week in Texas. I'll have to admit, I'm jealous. I'm ready for some back-to-nature time. Somehow, pitching a tent in my back yard by the pool, as its freshly strapped down cover flaps in the wind doesn't sound as exciting. Maybe I can talk Forrest into a little night time jam session. We can start a little bon fire with all the limbs that blew down from our trees in the storm the other night, in the garden area that's filled with dried, dead plants and tomato cages. I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm around a trail ride camp fire with horses nickering by their trailers.
Have a great day all and enjoy your break!
Fall Break starts tomorrow. My goal over the break is to get the virus on my computer wiped out so that I can retrieve the first two chapters of my new book, "Rock Angel." My sister is heading out to go trail riding for the week in Texas. I'll have to admit, I'm jealous. I'm ready for some back-to-nature time. Somehow, pitching a tent in my back yard by the pool, as its freshly strapped down cover flaps in the wind doesn't sound as exciting. Maybe I can talk Forrest into a little night time jam session. We can start a little bon fire with all the limbs that blew down from our trees in the storm the other night, in the garden area that's filled with dried, dead plants and tomato cages. I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm around a trail ride camp fire with horses nickering by their trailers.
Have a great day all and enjoy your break!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
CANCER SUCKS! Morgan's Fight---My Fight~~
Tonight is Homecoming for the Coweta Tigers, and there have been lots of crazy festivities this week at the schools. Morgan Mitchell, a Senior at Coweta, is up for Homecoming Queen. What a beatiful young lady she is. She just found out recently, that her cancer has come back for the third time. Where most girls fret over what cute outfit to wear to school that day, Morgan probably wonders if she's going to have hair for prom that year. (She didn't last year, and Forrest said she was one of the prettiest girls there that night---they had a blast dancing and taking pics.)
Cancer has affected my family greatly over the past couple of years. Two of my nieces, both under the age of 23 at the time, have delt with and are dealing with cancer, my little sister Shannon had a double mastectomy and chemo after finding out that she had breast cancer, and my dad just had a tumor removed from his thyroid a couple of weeks ago. To put it bluntly...CANCER SUCKS!
My prayers are with anyone that is dealing with the disease, either themselves or a family member. Morgan is up for Homecoming Queen tonight. She would surely look gorgeous in the crown. Our town-wide slogan is, "Morgan's Fight--My Fight." Morgan and all my family members that have had to fight the sucky disease of cancer are my heroes...they inspire me every day.
Much love and support---and Go Tigers!!!!!!
Cancer has affected my family greatly over the past couple of years. Two of my nieces, both under the age of 23 at the time, have delt with and are dealing with cancer, my little sister Shannon had a double mastectomy and chemo after finding out that she had breast cancer, and my dad just had a tumor removed from his thyroid a couple of weeks ago. To put it bluntly...CANCER SUCKS!
My prayers are with anyone that is dealing with the disease, either themselves or a family member. Morgan is up for Homecoming Queen tonight. She would surely look gorgeous in the crown. Our town-wide slogan is, "Morgan's Fight--My Fight." Morgan and all my family members that have had to fight the sucky disease of cancer are my heroes...they inspire me every day.
Much love and support---and Go Tigers!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I'm the kind of person that believes in speaking things into existence. So, I'm going to go ahead and speak my non-existant book trailer for Red Dirt Rocker into existence now. Forrest told me last night that he will help me produce a little video. Now I just have to talk him into "starring" in it. I'm thinking a quaint tour of Coweta, Oklahoma, Sticky Buns Donut Shop, (which will give me an excuse to get a maple bar--yum) the football field, and pics from memory lane, accomanied by some of the songs that are featured in Red Dirt Rocker. I'm invisioning a cameo of Forrest driving down a country lane in his old Chevy pick up truck, singing off key to Taylor Swift's, "You Belong With Me," etc.
Can't wait to get started...should be fun!
Hope everyone is having a great week, and has their halloween costumes picked out. We're going to have an adorable curly haired clown, ferocious/cuddley dinosaur, sweet Elmo, and a cotton candy pink, bunting baby unicorn running around, consuming candy at my house! So excited!!
I'll keep everyone updated as to when the book trailer will be premiered :)
Can't wait to get started...should be fun!
Hope everyone is having a great week, and has their halloween costumes picked out. We're going to have an adorable curly haired clown, ferocious/cuddley dinosaur, sweet Elmo, and a cotton candy pink, bunting baby unicorn running around, consuming candy at my house! So excited!!
I'll keep everyone updated as to when the book trailer will be premiered :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
10 Miles In The Dark
Last night as I cuddled under my favorite quilt in my most comfy yoga pants, Forrest texts me. "Can you come to the track?" was all it said. It's after 8:00, the sun has gone down, it's very cold outside, and my "guilty pleasure" show, The Housewives of New York Reunion, was just getting ready to start. I texted him back, "why?" He just said, "you'll see." Great I think. Did he dent his truck in, get punched in the face, etc. So---I get up, pull on jeans and my big puffy winter coat, get in my car and head to the track across town. I pull up and see his truck, but no Forrest. I wander out with hesitation to the seemingly abandoned, dark track and see a lone figure running with hoodie pulled overhead. It's Forrest, but as he nears me he keeps running. He starts another lap. Now I'm worried. Is he so upset that he can't even talk to me...why am I HERE?! I walk toward him a second time as he nears the bend once more. He continues to run past me, but faster and motions for the finish line. As he sprints past the line, he turns, throws down his headphones and stumbles a couple steps my way. I put my hand on his shoulder and ask what's wrong...what's going on. He just huffs and says, "I just ran 10 miles for the first time ever, and I didn't want to finish alone." I was so relieved and hug him up. Forrest isn't a runner. He lifts weights, but when he runs, it's never for 10 miles. He had been running (and praying) for and hour and a half solid. He wanted his Mama there when he accomplished his goal---he didn't want to be alone. As much of a pain that it was to get dressed and leave my warm house on a dark chilly night for reason unknown, I was so proud that he called me. He knows that I'll always be there---he'll never be alone~~
Friday, October 5, 2012
HELP!!!! My computer got that dang FBI virus and is now holding the first two chapters of my new book, Rock Angel, hostage!!! Zip file---zip file---zip file---backup everytime Jody---(that was a note-to-self.)
I hope to find an able bodied computer geek to retrieve my brain cells.
So how was your week?
On a good has cooled off to a hoodie-snugglin' 55 degrees here in Oklahoma. I'm ready for some, afghan covered, back porch, Forrest playing acoustsic guitar, with a fire burning pinon wood in the chimanea time!!! Yeah Fall <3 (I've never spelled "chimanea", but I like saying it---hope that was right :)
I got home from sub-ing at the middle school to Forrest and his buddy Ty standing in the driveway with their thermal shirts, jeans and boots on, just grinning away. When I asked where they were going they said, "nowhere, were just standing outside enjoying the weather!"---Said they were excited to break out the Fall clothing~ lol--- boys.
Enjoy your weekend all! I think I'm going to switch to yellow legal pad writing from now on!
I hope to find an able bodied computer geek to retrieve my brain cells.
So how was your week?
On a good has cooled off to a hoodie-snugglin' 55 degrees here in Oklahoma. I'm ready for some, afghan covered, back porch, Forrest playing acoustsic guitar, with a fire burning pinon wood in the chimanea time!!! Yeah Fall <3 (I've never spelled "chimanea", but I like saying it---hope that was right :)
I got home from sub-ing at the middle school to Forrest and his buddy Ty standing in the driveway with their thermal shirts, jeans and boots on, just grinning away. When I asked where they were going they said, "nowhere, were just standing outside enjoying the weather!"---Said they were excited to break out the Fall clothing~ lol--- boys.
Enjoy your weekend all! I think I'm going to switch to yellow legal pad writing from now on!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I'm so exicted to announce that I finally got my website up and running! You can check it out at old dog learned some new tricks...oh technology :)
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
If you're an Oklahoma local, we'd love to have you come out and watch Forrest play his acoustic set at the Coweta Fall Festival tomorrow, Thurs. 13th at 9:00 p.m.!!! He'll have a special guest playing with him--Ty Daniels (the original bass player for Crooked X!!!) They make an incredible duo~~ I'll also have my book, Red Dirt Rocker available for sale ($10.00) and free Red Dirt Rocker signed bookmarks!! Come on out y'all!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Forrest has been practicing key board on a constant basis the last couple of months---lots of cool songs coming out of his room, but he just straight up started playing "funeral parlor" sounding organ just now---wow...cheery Friday night at the French household! :P His musical taste is broadening a bit too far I do believe~ I'm gonna go check my pulse~
RED DIRT ROCKER FREE ON KINDLE SEPTEMBER 14, 15 AND 16TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For all my Kindle owning friends, Red Dirt Rocker will be free on Kindle in September! The free download is a promotion set to coincide with our lovely small town's Fall Festival. Forrest will be playing an acoustic set on Thursday, September 13th, at 9:00 with special guest, Ty Daniels (the original bass player for Crooked X)--- Please help me spread the word----happy reading all and enjoy!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Words of wisdom from Coweta Jr. High----
8th grade boy----"Mrs. French, what did you do this summer?"
Me---"Well, I taught a lot of swimming lessons."
8th grade boy---"DUDE...were you in the Olympics??!!"
8th grade boy---"Mrs. French...are you married?"
Me---"Yes, I am--why?"
8th grade boy---"Because my grandpa needs a wife!!"
Oh how I love being back at the school! Had a fun day sub-ing!!
Hope everyone is having an entertaining week!
Words of wisdom from Coweta Jr. High----
8th grade boy----"Mrs. French, what did you do this summer?"
Me---"Well, I taught a lot of swimming lessons."
8th grade boy---"DUDE...were you in the Olympics??!!"
8th grade boy---"Mrs. French...are you married?"
Me---"Yes, I am--why?"
8th grade boy---"Because my grandpa needs a wife!!"
Oh how I love being back at the school! Had a fun day sub-ing!!
Hope everyone is having an entertaining week!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I've been procrastinating on the start of a new book. Maybe it's something like, when you have a child and you think about having another one. You think to yourself, how one can be as good as the one you already have? Yep, that's pretty much how I've felt.
I've had an idea in my head now for over six months, so I finally made myself sit down and plan the birth of my second book! As of this weekend, I am a chapter into a work of fiction that I've named Rock Angel. It's built around a musican's life. It deals a bit with domestic violence in families, but also has a cool fantasy element that Red Dirt Rocker did'nt have. I tease and say that I should have made Forrest a "vampire rock star" in Red Dirt Rocker in order to insure it's success with teen readers. Not every book can have fangs though. I'm hoping that young readers can still sink their teeth into my books. Ok, enough with the Twilight references.
Anyway---I have officially announced on facebook that I have started on book number two. I'm hoping that it doesn't take me two years to complete like Red Dirt Rocker did. I would give anything to have the luxury of skipping off to a shack on the beach or a cabin in the mountains (with wi-fi of course) and write my little old heart out, but that's not the case. I'm a busy mom with several part time jobs, and am Ga-Ga of four adorable little grand babies with another precious grand daughter due in November. I'm total hands on with them and baby sit during the week as well. I do feel very blessed that I have such a beautiful and close family. They inspire me every day, but the glamorous job of changing diapers and handing out cheetos is not neccesarily condusive to the writing process.
I did know that if I announced that I've started on Rock Angel that it would no longer be just a title and idea floating around in my brain. I've named my next book baby and can't wait until I can announce it's arrival!
God bless and hope everyone is well!!
I've had an idea in my head now for over six months, so I finally made myself sit down and plan the birth of my second book! As of this weekend, I am a chapter into a work of fiction that I've named Rock Angel. It's built around a musican's life. It deals a bit with domestic violence in families, but also has a cool fantasy element that Red Dirt Rocker did'nt have. I tease and say that I should have made Forrest a "vampire rock star" in Red Dirt Rocker in order to insure it's success with teen readers. Not every book can have fangs though. I'm hoping that young readers can still sink their teeth into my books. Ok, enough with the Twilight references.
Anyway---I have officially announced on facebook that I have started on book number two. I'm hoping that it doesn't take me two years to complete like Red Dirt Rocker did. I would give anything to have the luxury of skipping off to a shack on the beach or a cabin in the mountains (with wi-fi of course) and write my little old heart out, but that's not the case. I'm a busy mom with several part time jobs, and am Ga-Ga of four adorable little grand babies with another precious grand daughter due in November. I'm total hands on with them and baby sit during the week as well. I do feel very blessed that I have such a beautiful and close family. They inspire me every day, but the glamorous job of changing diapers and handing out cheetos is not neccesarily condusive to the writing process.
I did know that if I announced that I've started on Rock Angel that it would no longer be just a title and idea floating around in my brain. I've named my next book baby and can't wait until I can announce it's arrival!
God bless and hope everyone is well!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Porductive Summer~~
Just returned a week ago from our trip to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. I would so move there if I could only pack my children and grand children up and move them with me. Had a wonderful time beating the 114 degree heat here in Oklahoma. We love the mountains!
Public school starts tomorrow. I have to say, as I look back on my summer, that it was productive. Planned and pulled off a vintage barn wedding for my daughter Skylar, helped plan and had my 30 year class reunion, (how time flies by) had my book release, and ran over almost 100 children through my back yard over the course of 2 months for swimming lessons. I also painted my living room an autumy-yellow, but because of the list above, I have still yet to complete one small section of trim. It's so unlike me to leave any project undone, and it's driving me crazy staring at the sage green paint peeping out from under the new hue for the past 3 weeks or so. Monty returns to work tomorrow after his two week vacation and I have vowed to get back on a schedule and complete the paint job this week.
I hope everyone had a fantastic, productive summer with lots of family time. It's almost football season!!! Boomer Sooner!!!!
Love and blessings,
Public school starts tomorrow. I have to say, as I look back on my summer, that it was productive. Planned and pulled off a vintage barn wedding for my daughter Skylar, helped plan and had my 30 year class reunion, (how time flies by) had my book release, and ran over almost 100 children through my back yard over the course of 2 months for swimming lessons. I also painted my living room an autumy-yellow, but because of the list above, I have still yet to complete one small section of trim. It's so unlike me to leave any project undone, and it's driving me crazy staring at the sage green paint peeping out from under the new hue for the past 3 weeks or so. Monty returns to work tomorrow after his two week vacation and I have vowed to get back on a schedule and complete the paint job this week.
I hope everyone had a fantastic, productive summer with lots of family time. It's almost football season!!! Boomer Sooner!!!!
Love and blessings,
Friday, July 6, 2012
Everybody Wang Chung Tonight
Forrest picked up his last high school yearbook yesterday. It's so incredible. The cover says, "Something To Remember," with a gorgeous black and white etched tree design. The lay out is amazing. Their journalism department must have had some very talented students putting it together this past year.
I was going through it, and of course, had a mama moment. Just flipping through the pages and seeing picures of all of his friends---kids that I've known since they were in pre-school all grown up and smiling back at me, or dressed up in silly, spirit day etc., outfits made tears roll down my cheeks. I was scrolling down the kids beautiful senior pictures, reading their deep thoughts that they were able to leave behind in print beside their portraits. Most had misty eyed sayings such as, "I'm going to miss my friends that I've known forever," and some girls had written little digs that were obviously aimed at a "frien-amy" as in, "I won't miss the drama," or "my pet peeve is immature, fake people," etc. There was also a place for some of them to leave their favorite quote behind for prosterity's sake, and also where they thought they would be in 10 years.
Leave it to Forrest to put a big smile on my face during my boo-hoo fest. Beside Forrest's good-lookin', modelesque senior picture was written...
Favorite Quote: "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight."
Where will you be in 10 years? Living in a van, down by the river.
What you will be most remembered for. Not afraid to be goofy!
If you didn't get the "living in a van down by the river," reference we probably don't hang out much---SNL/Chris Farley reference :) Forrest was the first one to break out his Joe Dirt mullet wig on any occasion possible, dress like the biggest dork on nerd day, and even got talked into dressing like Tinker Bell on Halloween by one of his friends that dressed like Peter Pan's side kick the year before (she was a female btw.)
That kid. Makes me cry...makes me laugh...I'll give him a "10."
He also got the honor of "Most Talented," and "Most Likely to Become Famous."
Good stuff.
Enjoy each and every moment with your children while you can. Diapering those little hineys, wading through the messes they make, attenting their activities in school, football games, basketball games, band concerts, etc. Enjoy it all. They grow up so fast! I know mine have. I have such great memories with my precious daughters and "goofy" son. Can't wait to make many more!
I was going through it, and of course, had a mama moment. Just flipping through the pages and seeing picures of all of his friends---kids that I've known since they were in pre-school all grown up and smiling back at me, or dressed up in silly, spirit day etc., outfits made tears roll down my cheeks. I was scrolling down the kids beautiful senior pictures, reading their deep thoughts that they were able to leave behind in print beside their portraits. Most had misty eyed sayings such as, "I'm going to miss my friends that I've known forever," and some girls had written little digs that were obviously aimed at a "frien-amy" as in, "I won't miss the drama," or "my pet peeve is immature, fake people," etc. There was also a place for some of them to leave their favorite quote behind for prosterity's sake, and also where they thought they would be in 10 years.
Leave it to Forrest to put a big smile on my face during my boo-hoo fest. Beside Forrest's good-lookin', modelesque senior picture was written...
Favorite Quote: "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight."
Where will you be in 10 years? Living in a van, down by the river.
What you will be most remembered for. Not afraid to be goofy!
If you didn't get the "living in a van down by the river," reference we probably don't hang out much---SNL/Chris Farley reference :) Forrest was the first one to break out his Joe Dirt mullet wig on any occasion possible, dress like the biggest dork on nerd day, and even got talked into dressing like Tinker Bell on Halloween by one of his friends that dressed like Peter Pan's side kick the year before (she was a female btw.)
That kid. Makes me cry...makes me laugh...I'll give him a "10."
He also got the honor of "Most Talented," and "Most Likely to Become Famous."
Good stuff.
Enjoy each and every moment with your children while you can. Diapering those little hineys, wading through the messes they make, attenting their activities in school, football games, basketball games, band concerts, etc. Enjoy it all. They grow up so fast! I know mine have. I have such great memories with my precious daughters and "goofy" son. Can't wait to make many more!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I've never been a coffee drinker. I drink it on occasion, but would rather have an ice cold Red Bull than a hot drink in the morning, unless it's a cold day. My cup of joe is to roll over, put my reading glasses on, pull my lap top over to my pillow and click on my emails and facebook to see how the world is turning.
I got a pleasant surprise this morning as I, with bleary eyes, clicked on my f/b page to see that a freind of mine had notified me that our largest radio station in the Tulsa area, KMOD had posted a pic of the cover of my book Red Dirt Rocker on their f/b page! I had sent two copies to our two favorite morning DJ.s, Phil and Brent. They have a brash, very witty sense of humor that's laced with an incredible self -mocking country seasoning. They were also the very first ones to ever play a song byForrest and his band on a radio station. I do believe Forrest was just 13 at the time. They are great guys.
I just had my 30 year class reunion two weeks ago, and had broken my old memory book out. As Forrest and I flipped through the pages he noticed that I had a KMOD card taped to one of the pages with the caption, "my favorite radio station!" below it. It gave me cool points with my son...thirty years later and they still rock...they're still my favorite radio station to this day!
KMOD and good old Phil and Brent are mentioned in Red Dirt Rocker. They're the best! If you get a chance, tune them in. They stream on the world wide web, so even if you're a soldier in Afghanistan, you can dial them in on the internet if your fortunate enough to have the availablility.
Like I always say...turn on some good music and make stuff happen!! And thanks again KMOD!
I got a pleasant surprise this morning as I, with bleary eyes, clicked on my f/b page to see that a freind of mine had notified me that our largest radio station in the Tulsa area, KMOD had posted a pic of the cover of my book Red Dirt Rocker on their f/b page! I had sent two copies to our two favorite morning DJ.s, Phil and Brent. They have a brash, very witty sense of humor that's laced with an incredible self -mocking country seasoning. They were also the very first ones to ever play a song byForrest and his band on a radio station. I do believe Forrest was just 13 at the time. They are great guys.
I just had my 30 year class reunion two weeks ago, and had broken my old memory book out. As Forrest and I flipped through the pages he noticed that I had a KMOD card taped to one of the pages with the caption, "my favorite radio station!" below it. It gave me cool points with my son...thirty years later and they still rock...they're still my favorite radio station to this day!
KMOD and good old Phil and Brent are mentioned in Red Dirt Rocker. They're the best! If you get a chance, tune them in. They stream on the world wide web, so even if you're a soldier in Afghanistan, you can dial them in on the internet if your fortunate enough to have the availablility.
Like I always say...turn on some good music and make stuff happen!! And thanks again KMOD!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Amazing Grace~
Forrest is heading to Falls Creek on Monday. It's an amazing church camp here in Oklahoma. My husband and I had our first "hand holding" experience there :) Wonderful, touching memories. Such a blessed place for young people to gather, have a blast and express and explore their faith.
He's been practicing his blues version of "Amazing Grace" to play there. I've enjoyed my trips by his bedroom door this afternoon, where I've paused just long enough to get an inspiring earful.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Saw the movie, "What to Expect When You're Expecting" tonight. It made me cry and cry. So sentimental at the end...anything having to do with babies always makes me get all weepy and sappy. Reminds me of when my babies were first born. They are 24, 23 and 18 now! But they will always be my babies!!!
He's been practicing his blues version of "Amazing Grace" to play there. I've enjoyed my trips by his bedroom door this afternoon, where I've paused just long enough to get an inspiring earful.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Saw the movie, "What to Expect When You're Expecting" tonight. It made me cry and cry. So sentimental at the end...anything having to do with babies always makes me get all weepy and sappy. Reminds me of when my babies were first born. They are 24, 23 and 18 now! But they will always be my babies!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
My favorite news headline in a long time, "Calf roper ties up suspected car thief."
Apparently a part time calf roper was bailing hay and saw the suspect stealing a car. He
and his buds started tailing the guy, and when he got stuck in traffic they yanked him out
and calf roped him, suspending him from a fence until officials arrived on the scene to
arrest him!
Yee-haw!! Gotta love Oklahoma, and the hard working field hands that rodeo on the
weekends! You go cowboy!!
Apparently a part time calf roper was bailing hay and saw the suspect stealing a car. He
and his buds started tailing the guy, and when he got stuck in traffic they yanked him out
and calf roped him, suspending him from a fence until officials arrived on the scene to
arrest him!
Yee-haw!! Gotta love Oklahoma, and the hard working field hands that rodeo on the
weekends! You go cowboy!!
Monday, June 18, 2012
b00k r3vi3ws: Interview & Giveaway: Red Dirt Rocker by Jody Fren...
b00k r3vi3ws: Interview & Giveaway: Red Dirt Rocker by Jody Fren...: Red Dirt Rocker is a contemporary and inspirational American dream-come-true story geared toward a Young Adult audience. Based, in part...
Hey guys!!! Follow the link above to enter for a free copy of Red Dirt Rocker! It's also the site for my first on-line interview, which was a blast to do. My favorite question was---If Red Dirt Rocker became a movie, what actors would play the parts! Forrest wanted Tatum Channing to play him...I told him he'd have to play himself!! lol---Have a great Monday all! Turn on some good music and enjoy your day! Jody
Hey guys!!! Follow the link above to enter for a free copy of Red Dirt Rocker! It's also the site for my first on-line interview, which was a blast to do. My favorite question was---If Red Dirt Rocker became a movie, what actors would play the parts! Forrest wanted Tatum Channing to play him...I told him he'd have to play himself!! lol---Have a great Monday all! Turn on some good music and enjoy your day! Jody
Friday, June 8, 2012
Personal Concerts Are The Best--
Forrest is sitting in my room---lazy Friday vacation day...I'm getting a free mini concert (he plays for food...and I make his bed and clean his room every day.)
He's working on a new song about a brown eyed girl. Van Morrison watch out!
Brown eyed girls are the best. Trustworthy, fun-loving, real, and what do ya know...his mama is one as well :)
Have a great weekend guys...turn on some music, and let the good times roll!
He's working on a new song about a brown eyed girl. Van Morrison watch out!
Brown eyed girls are the best. Trustworthy, fun-loving, real, and what do ya know...his mama is one as well :)
Have a great weekend guys...turn on some music, and let the good times roll!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Oklahoma Thunder!!!!
Hello, my name is Jody French. I live in Oklahoma. I am a THUNDER FAN!!!!!
It got a little stormy here tonight! Way to go Thunder!!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Durant is the man-----
It got a little stormy here tonight! Way to go Thunder!!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Durant is the man-----
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Keep Putting One Flip-Flop In Front Of Another~~
My saying for the month of May..."keep putting one flip-flop in front of the other!"
The first two weeks of May have included finishing up my subsitute teaching duties for Coweta Public Schools, booking over 50 children in my private swimming lessons classes, getting all announcements out, and formulating a graduation celebration for my baby boy, Forrest's high school graduation, planning my daughter Skylar's beautiful, chic barn wedding, (which included making by hand most every decoration and centerpeice, and physically helping to clean and de-winterize my sister's ranch)continuing my duties as babysitter for my three precious grandchildren which are all under the age of 5, and last but not least, launching my book, Red Dirt Rocker!
Like I mantra for springtime, "one flip-flop in front of the other!!" I cannot wait for our vacation in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado come the end of July. Hot springs soaking and mindless staring at gorgeous mountain scenery is much needed for this mama/ga-ga/sub-teacher/swim instructor/party planner/author.
Keep on keepin' on all!
The first two weeks of May have included finishing up my subsitute teaching duties for Coweta Public Schools, booking over 50 children in my private swimming lessons classes, getting all announcements out, and formulating a graduation celebration for my baby boy, Forrest's high school graduation, planning my daughter Skylar's beautiful, chic barn wedding, (which included making by hand most every decoration and centerpeice, and physically helping to clean and de-winterize my sister's ranch)continuing my duties as babysitter for my three precious grandchildren which are all under the age of 5, and last but not least, launching my book, Red Dirt Rocker!
Like I mantra for springtime, "one flip-flop in front of the other!!" I cannot wait for our vacation in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado come the end of July. Hot springs soaking and mindless staring at gorgeous mountain scenery is much needed for this mama/ga-ga/sub-teacher/swim instructor/party planner/author.
Keep on keepin' on all!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I Need To Jazz This Blog Up!
I am determined to figure out how to upload video and pictures to my blog! That is on my list of things to do in the next week~ I need to jazz this thing up. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Red Dirt Rocker Is Officially Released!!
I'll have to say, I do feel accomplished today. It's my daughter Skylar's birthday, and my book, Red Dirt Rocker is officially released as of mid-night last night, (I hope it grows up to be a "big book boy!")
Thank you Lord for all the blessings you've bestowed on me, and for the strength to accomplish the desires of my heart!
Love to all,
Enjoy your day!
Thank you Lord for all the blessings you've bestowed on me, and for the strength to accomplish the desires of my heart!
Love to all,
Enjoy your day!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Barn Wedding~~
Got up yesterday, headed to Sunday School---then off to my sister Faith's ranch to help with the spring cleaning to get things ready for Skylar's vintage, shabby-chic barn wedding on May 19th. Also getting everything together for Forrest to graduate on the 14th (I've written approx. 175 address in the past couple of days)---my book comes out tomorrow, I'm helping plan my 30th year class reunion, and getting ready to book at least 50 children in swim lessons in the next two weeks. What a fun whirl wind I'm in!
I'm sore from the manual labor yesterday. I used to be such a tough farm girl---I need to get out from behind this lap and go work on a farm more often. I love to garden, but it was "super garden" day yesterday at Faith's place. The wedding is going to be warm and wonderful. We're even going to build some "hay bale furniture." I can't wait.
We also had Sklar's birthday dinner celebration in Tulsa last night---you know it's a fun day when you end up changing clothes 4 times (I put my yoga pants on 30 minutes before I went to bed, so I'm counting that as a change too.)
Trying to decide on a dress for the wedding. Girlie stuff is hard work. Guys don't know how lucky they have it. I'm going to get out from behind my computer and do a little more work at Faiths. I'm gonna stretch first.
Have a great day all!!
I'm sore from the manual labor yesterday. I used to be such a tough farm girl---I need to get out from behind this lap and go work on a farm more often. I love to garden, but it was "super garden" day yesterday at Faith's place. The wedding is going to be warm and wonderful. We're even going to build some "hay bale furniture." I can't wait.
We also had Sklar's birthday dinner celebration in Tulsa last night---you know it's a fun day when you end up changing clothes 4 times (I put my yoga pants on 30 minutes before I went to bed, so I'm counting that as a change too.)
Trying to decide on a dress for the wedding. Girlie stuff is hard work. Guys don't know how lucky they have it. I'm going to get out from behind my computer and do a little more work at Faiths. I'm gonna stretch first.
Have a great day all!!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Final Excerpt From Red Dirt Rocker!
Red Dirt Rocker--
Excerpt Chapter 19
Good Sunday morning everyone! This is my last excerpt from my book, Red Dirt Rocker. Once again, I can't tell you what an honor it is for you all to read the story that was inspired by my son, Forrest and my entire family. I've been more than busy lately, trying to plan my beautiful daughter, Skylar's, wedding and getting Forrest all ready to graduate from high school (both events are in the second week of May). I am anxious and looking forward to my books release on Tuesday. I have much to be thankful for! Blessings to all---Jody
The scene form "The Wizard Of Oz," where Toto pulls back the long veiled curtain revealing the Great and Might Oz, pops into my head. Dude...I'm definitely not in Kansas---or Oklahoma for that matter---anymore!
My feet are cemented to the floor as I gawk at the thousands of fans in the arena. In the midst of feeling like a fool, and wondering what my escape plan is going to be, I hear one lone voice with a foreign accent yell,
"Hey---it is Forrrrrest!!"
I instinctively wave as I scramble to get back behind the amps. I frantically muddle through the curtain fabric eventually finding the escape hatch. As I jump up, the crowd goes nuts. I can't believe my ears. They're actually cheering!
"Are you OK?" Dad yells over the crowd noise. He grabs my arm and helps me back behind the stage.
"I almost peed my pants!!" I wail, my voice shaking.
"You're gonna be just fine. Sounds like they already know who you are!" Dad says, chuckling. His expression turns serious and honest. "Son, I'm so proud of you. This is far more exciting than any football game I've ever been to." He continues in a tone that's meant to keep me calm. "Forrest, you boys are gonna knock em' dead. Deep breaths son!" My father's warm smile and confident words give me much needed comfort. I suddenly feel confident and the feeling that I swallowed a brick begins to dissolve away.
Dad clasps my shaking hands in his large steady ones, closes his eyes and says a prayer for a great show. For the first time, I notice large calluses on my dad's hands from years of handling boxes for U.P.S. and working at my Grandpa's farm. His calluses are just like the ones on Coach Bryan's hands. I respect my dad more than I can say. "Do good!" he says. Dad gives me one last embrace and then walks me toward the stage ramp.
I can feel my heartbeat begin to re-adjust to a normal rhythm. I'm thankful for my strong father and his faith in me. I repeat my favorite Bible verse in my head: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do this!"
I grab my trust Gibson Girl Betty---I'm now ready to step, not fall, back onto the stage.
Excerpt Chapter 19
Good Sunday morning everyone! This is my last excerpt from my book, Red Dirt Rocker. Once again, I can't tell you what an honor it is for you all to read the story that was inspired by my son, Forrest and my entire family. I've been more than busy lately, trying to plan my beautiful daughter, Skylar's, wedding and getting Forrest all ready to graduate from high school (both events are in the second week of May). I am anxious and looking forward to my books release on Tuesday. I have much to be thankful for! Blessings to all---Jody
The scene form "The Wizard Of Oz," where Toto pulls back the long veiled curtain revealing the Great and Might Oz, pops into my head. Dude...I'm definitely not in Kansas---or Oklahoma for that matter---anymore!
My feet are cemented to the floor as I gawk at the thousands of fans in the arena. In the midst of feeling like a fool, and wondering what my escape plan is going to be, I hear one lone voice with a foreign accent yell,
"Hey---it is Forrrrrest!!"
I instinctively wave as I scramble to get back behind the amps. I frantically muddle through the curtain fabric eventually finding the escape hatch. As I jump up, the crowd goes nuts. I can't believe my ears. They're actually cheering!
"Are you OK?" Dad yells over the crowd noise. He grabs my arm and helps me back behind the stage.
"I almost peed my pants!!" I wail, my voice shaking.
"You're gonna be just fine. Sounds like they already know who you are!" Dad says, chuckling. His expression turns serious and honest. "Son, I'm so proud of you. This is far more exciting than any football game I've ever been to." He continues in a tone that's meant to keep me calm. "Forrest, you boys are gonna knock em' dead. Deep breaths son!" My father's warm smile and confident words give me much needed comfort. I suddenly feel confident and the feeling that I swallowed a brick begins to dissolve away.
Dad clasps my shaking hands in his large steady ones, closes his eyes and says a prayer for a great show. For the first time, I notice large calluses on my dad's hands from years of handling boxes for U.P.S. and working at my Grandpa's farm. His calluses are just like the ones on Coach Bryan's hands. I respect my dad more than I can say. "Do good!" he says. Dad gives me one last embrace and then walks me toward the stage ramp.
I can feel my heartbeat begin to re-adjust to a normal rhythm. I'm thankful for my strong father and his faith in me. I repeat my favorite Bible verse in my head: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do this!"
I grab my trust Gibson Girl Betty---I'm now ready to step, not fall, back onto the stage.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Red Dirt Rocker --Excerpt From Chapter 15
Well, just one week from today and my book will be ready to go out into this big wide world. If you have pre-ordered your copy, thank you for your support. You can still pre-order Red Dirt Rocker at or Please enjoy another excerpt from chapter 15!
Red Dirt Rocker---
Jody French
Excerpt---Chapter 15
The following day, I still participate in football practice. As the final whistle blows, I jog off the field and head for the showers. I pause at the sight of the sun setting over the west bleachers. The sunset is blazing orange and purple. The oak trees in the distance look like they're sketched in jet black ink across the canvas of the evening sky. I love sunrises and sunsets; they always inspire me. I decide that my next song will have a sunset in it as I stand gazing up at the fiery globe that appears to be igniting the metallic bleachers. My band and I will be leaving for Sweden tomorrow. It suddenly hits me that this might be the last sunset I'll see from the fifty-yard line. I feel lonely and sad.
Inside the locker room, Coach's favorite Toby Keith song, "Made In America" is blaring on a dusty, circa 1990's boom box. The twangy, boot-scootin' tune elevates my mood. I hear Coach Bryan yell my name over the music.
"Hey, Forrest...ya ever think a cuttin' a country album?" Coach Bryan asks. His hick accent lays thick as biscuit gravy on his words. He spits a black, liquid stream of chewing tobacco juice into an empty Gatorade bottle.
"If I do, Coach, you will DEFINITELY be my inspiration." I holler back, and shake my head.
"Ahhh, son, ya know, country music's where it's at," Coach says with absolute conviction. Coach crosses the room and places his well worn, black felt cowboy hat on my head. He pats me firmly on the back with his huge, callused hands. Coach is like a bear that doesn't know its own strength. I squint my eyes shut and jolt forward a step, which prompts me to begin riding a fake bucking horse all the way to my locker. I swing an imaginary rope over my head, grab my Joe's Tire Shop ball cap and throw Coach back his cowboy hat like a Frisbee.
"It fits me pretty good, Coach, but I'd better let you keep it. You'll need it after the big game Friday. I'm not sure if the Swedes are ready for a cowboy from Coweta just yet!" I laugh.
"Hey, Forrest. Ya know we're all really proud a ya, bud. Knock em' dead son! We're gonna miss ya on the field, but we're glad yer followin' yer dreams, " Coach Bryan says, with genuine sincerity.
Thanks Coach, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me. "I feel my heart grow heavy.
"I know yer gonna see a lot more of this big ole' world, Forrest." Coach returns. His smile widens in approval revealing bits of brown tobacco in his teeth. "I just wished you would've learnt to play country music." He teases, as he slaps me on the back again. This time I brace myself and stand firm. I extend my hand and Coach shakes it firmly. The calluses on my hands from playing guitar are small compared to the calluses on Coach Bryan's hands, which developed from years of daily farm labor. I respect Coach more than I can say.
"KISS huh?" Well they ain't no Toby Keith, but I guess they'll do, son!
On my way out of the locker room, I can hear the shrill sound of hair clippers buzzing. The trainer wielding shears turns to me as he shaves a no-neck lineman's hair down to a faint shadow of stubble.
"Hey, Forrest, come have a seat. I'll give ya a buzz cut!" he says, patting the back of the rusty metal folding chair.
"Oh, no thanks dude. I'm good. Maybe I'll catch ya when I get back." I kindly decline. I shake my long, shaggy hair and replace my ball cap.
As I leave the locker room, I raise my hands over my head and jump up to smack the "Tiger Pride" sign that hangs above the heavy metal door. The sharp, cold, evening air hits me square in the face. I inhale deeply. I turn back towards the dark, abandoned football field and yell at the top of my lungs, "GO TIGERS!!!" My voice echoes back in agreement twice, and then dies in the lonely, black shadows.
Authors Note---In loving memory of Coach Ricky Bryan~~
Red Dirt Rocker---
Jody French
Excerpt---Chapter 15
The following day, I still participate in football practice. As the final whistle blows, I jog off the field and head for the showers. I pause at the sight of the sun setting over the west bleachers. The sunset is blazing orange and purple. The oak trees in the distance look like they're sketched in jet black ink across the canvas of the evening sky. I love sunrises and sunsets; they always inspire me. I decide that my next song will have a sunset in it as I stand gazing up at the fiery globe that appears to be igniting the metallic bleachers. My band and I will be leaving for Sweden tomorrow. It suddenly hits me that this might be the last sunset I'll see from the fifty-yard line. I feel lonely and sad.
Inside the locker room, Coach's favorite Toby Keith song, "Made In America" is blaring on a dusty, circa 1990's boom box. The twangy, boot-scootin' tune elevates my mood. I hear Coach Bryan yell my name over the music.
"Hey, Forrest...ya ever think a cuttin' a country album?" Coach Bryan asks. His hick accent lays thick as biscuit gravy on his words. He spits a black, liquid stream of chewing tobacco juice into an empty Gatorade bottle.
"If I do, Coach, you will DEFINITELY be my inspiration." I holler back, and shake my head.
"Ahhh, son, ya know, country music's where it's at," Coach says with absolute conviction. Coach crosses the room and places his well worn, black felt cowboy hat on my head. He pats me firmly on the back with his huge, callused hands. Coach is like a bear that doesn't know its own strength. I squint my eyes shut and jolt forward a step, which prompts me to begin riding a fake bucking horse all the way to my locker. I swing an imaginary rope over my head, grab my Joe's Tire Shop ball cap and throw Coach back his cowboy hat like a Frisbee.
"It fits me pretty good, Coach, but I'd better let you keep it. You'll need it after the big game Friday. I'm not sure if the Swedes are ready for a cowboy from Coweta just yet!" I laugh.
"Hey, Forrest. Ya know we're all really proud a ya, bud. Knock em' dead son! We're gonna miss ya on the field, but we're glad yer followin' yer dreams, " Coach Bryan says, with genuine sincerity.
Thanks Coach, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me. "I feel my heart grow heavy.
"I know yer gonna see a lot more of this big ole' world, Forrest." Coach returns. His smile widens in approval revealing bits of brown tobacco in his teeth. "I just wished you would've learnt to play country music." He teases, as he slaps me on the back again. This time I brace myself and stand firm. I extend my hand and Coach shakes it firmly. The calluses on my hands from playing guitar are small compared to the calluses on Coach Bryan's hands, which developed from years of daily farm labor. I respect Coach more than I can say.
"KISS huh?" Well they ain't no Toby Keith, but I guess they'll do, son!
On my way out of the locker room, I can hear the shrill sound of hair clippers buzzing. The trainer wielding shears turns to me as he shaves a no-neck lineman's hair down to a faint shadow of stubble.
"Hey, Forrest, come have a seat. I'll give ya a buzz cut!" he says, patting the back of the rusty metal folding chair.
"Oh, no thanks dude. I'm good. Maybe I'll catch ya when I get back." I kindly decline. I shake my long, shaggy hair and replace my ball cap.
As I leave the locker room, I raise my hands over my head and jump up to smack the "Tiger Pride" sign that hangs above the heavy metal door. The sharp, cold, evening air hits me square in the face. I inhale deeply. I turn back towards the dark, abandoned football field and yell at the top of my lungs, "GO TIGERS!!!" My voice echoes back in agreement twice, and then dies in the lonely, black shadows.
Authors Note---In loving memory of Coach Ricky Bryan~~
Friday, April 20, 2012
Red Dirt Rocker - Excerpt From Chapter 5~~
Excerpt from my young adult novel, Red Dirt Rocker~
Chapter 5-- pg 41-42
As I held the door open for her, the hail stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and blackness came. It became eerily calm. I started my descent down the cellar stairs and like a scene from a nightmare, I looked up to see the ominous squall line. The door fell shut with a sharp crack and we all huddled together in the darkness. The smell of garden onions and dusty potatoes was thick in the humid air.
Next came the sound---the forbidding sound that only a tornado makes. A growling. rumbling, whistling sound as though the ten o'clock Frisco freight train had been diverted directly across the top of the root cellar door and was ready to rail in on top of us.
We were all paralyzed with fear as the twister roared over like an angry monster. I've never felt so small. so scared, so close to God. Aunt Carmen held the boys and me in her motherly arms and prayed out loud to Jesus. Dirt and wood splinters spun violently over our heads and it sounded like someone cracking open a pop-top can. The sucking winds ripped the door off the root cellar, but we didn't budge. It was all over in a matter of, two terrifying minutes. The untamed twister disappeared back into the dark and thick rolling clouds.
Jake was the first to go back up. The boys and I hoisted Mollie up the stairs brigade-style. We expected to see a war zone as we emerged from our bunker, but to our shock and relief, the tornado hadn't done much damage to the barn or the house. They were both left virtually unscathed. The only things the twister took with it was an old rusty plow, two black shutters from the windows, and the creaky, wooden door to the root cellar.
The boys and I stood in disbelief as we surveyed the property. All the color had drained from Cody's face. He repeated over and over, "The cellar door is gone...the cellar door is gone."
"Cellar door is gone...that's it...that's our band's name," I said in no more than a whisper. The hair on our arms seemed to practically stand up and shout, "Yes!" The boys heard me loud and clear.
The sun began to peek back out from behind the smeared grey clouds. The cold drops of rain dissipated. Wispy chicken feathers, or perhaps bits of the snowy down of the angel wings that protected us that day, swirled around our tennis shoes. My band brothers and I shook our heads in agreement---Cellar Door Is Gone it was.
*Stay tuned for two more excerpts of Red Dirt Rocker before its official release on May 1st, 2012!!
I am honored that you have chosen to read my words---thank you much!!
Chapter 5-- pg 41-42
As I held the door open for her, the hail stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and blackness came. It became eerily calm. I started my descent down the cellar stairs and like a scene from a nightmare, I looked up to see the ominous squall line. The door fell shut with a sharp crack and we all huddled together in the darkness. The smell of garden onions and dusty potatoes was thick in the humid air.
Next came the sound---the forbidding sound that only a tornado makes. A growling. rumbling, whistling sound as though the ten o'clock Frisco freight train had been diverted directly across the top of the root cellar door and was ready to rail in on top of us.
We were all paralyzed with fear as the twister roared over like an angry monster. I've never felt so small. so scared, so close to God. Aunt Carmen held the boys and me in her motherly arms and prayed out loud to Jesus. Dirt and wood splinters spun violently over our heads and it sounded like someone cracking open a pop-top can. The sucking winds ripped the door off the root cellar, but we didn't budge. It was all over in a matter of, two terrifying minutes. The untamed twister disappeared back into the dark and thick rolling clouds.
Jake was the first to go back up. The boys and I hoisted Mollie up the stairs brigade-style. We expected to see a war zone as we emerged from our bunker, but to our shock and relief, the tornado hadn't done much damage to the barn or the house. They were both left virtually unscathed. The only things the twister took with it was an old rusty plow, two black shutters from the windows, and the creaky, wooden door to the root cellar.
The boys and I stood in disbelief as we surveyed the property. All the color had drained from Cody's face. He repeated over and over, "The cellar door is gone...the cellar door is gone."
"Cellar door is gone...that's it...that's our band's name," I said in no more than a whisper. The hair on our arms seemed to practically stand up and shout, "Yes!" The boys heard me loud and clear.
The sun began to peek back out from behind the smeared grey clouds. The cold drops of rain dissipated. Wispy chicken feathers, or perhaps bits of the snowy down of the angel wings that protected us that day, swirled around our tennis shoes. My band brothers and I shook our heads in agreement---Cellar Door Is Gone it was.
*Stay tuned for two more excerpts of Red Dirt Rocker before its official release on May 1st, 2012!!
I am honored that you have chosen to read my words---thank you much!!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
All That And A Bag Of Chips!
I sub-ed at the elementary school yesterday (third grade.) The kids were doing their vocabulary over the book, Charlottes Webb. The little munchkins kept asking me what the meanings to the words were. Several young students asked me what the word boast meant. I let them know it was when someone brags.
The cutest little freckled face girl came up to have me check her vocabulary paper before she turned it in. With the most innocent and straight face she handed me her torn out notebook page that had the word "boast" scribbled on it as number 3 on her list. Here is how she defined the word---
3. Boast---When someone thinks theyre all that and a bag of chips.
Right on girlfriend!
The cutest little freckled face girl came up to have me check her vocabulary paper before she turned it in. With the most innocent and straight face she handed me her torn out notebook page that had the word "boast" scribbled on it as number 3 on her list. Here is how she defined the word---
3. Boast---When someone thinks theyre all that and a bag of chips.
Right on girlfriend!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Red Dirt Rocker Excerpt----
Hey sports fans---or music fans---her is another tid-bit from my book, Red Dirt Rocker. Enjoy!
My ears feel hot, and are doing the proverbial burning from gossip, as I jump back into my truck. I hand Heather the steaming, frothy drink and re-start the engine. She's changed the dial to a country station while I was inside. The radio is playing a song by Miranda Lambert called, "Famous In A Small Town." It's a clever country tune that tells the story of gossip in a little town and how it can make some of its town folk "famous" in a not-so-good-way.
I think to myself, as Heather and I drive down the main street of our one-horse town. Mrs. Ruth Walton and I are definitely on our way to becoming celebrities this morning.
To be continued...
My ears feel hot, and are doing the proverbial burning from gossip, as I jump back into my truck. I hand Heather the steaming, frothy drink and re-start the engine. She's changed the dial to a country station while I was inside. The radio is playing a song by Miranda Lambert called, "Famous In A Small Town." It's a clever country tune that tells the story of gossip in a little town and how it can make some of its town folk "famous" in a not-so-good-way.
I think to myself, as Heather and I drive down the main street of our one-horse town. Mrs. Ruth Walton and I are definitely on our way to becoming celebrities this morning.
To be continued...
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Excerpt From Red Dirt Rocker~~by Jody French
Excerpt from, Red Dirt Rocker
by Jody French
Neverland Publishing
Pg. 15
..."Whatever," Heather dismisses. She grabs me by the arm and cuddles into my sore ribs like a purring kitten. "Can you pleeease turn the music down a little bit?" she asks, rubbing her temples, I believe, in an attempt to fake a headache.
"That's twice already this morning," I mumble.
"What babe?" Heather asks, as she surveys her perfect manicure. Each fingernail is embossed with a tiny orange and black tiger paw. I wonder how girls think of these things.
"Oh nothin'." "Your hair looks nice," I compliment.
Heather smiles and kisses me on the cheek. Her good mood returns with my flattering words. "You're a living doll Forrest," she beams as she pulls my rearview mirror down to her eye level. She stokes her perfectly straightened and highlighted hair and reapplies her powder.
I reach up to wipe her finger smudges off my mirror. Sometimes I think Heather bases her good days and bad days on how many compliments she gets. This was compliment number two, if you count the honk she got from the farmer in the one ton truck earlier, and it wasn't even 8:30 a.m. yet---her day is probably shaping up nicely already.
I make a right onto Broadway. It's the second day of October and most of the small worn houses that line the street are already decorated in the Halloween spirit. Hay bales, pumpkins and strung up spider webs make for creepy, quaint curb appeal.
My brakes squeal slightly as I come to a stop in front of Sticky Buns Donut Shop. Heather has to have her morning cappuccino. As I enter the small coffee and sugar scented shop, I hear two elderly women whispering rather loudly. I wonder why they were bothering to whisper at all, since everyone within a twenty foot radium can hear them---the donut shop is probably only a hundred square feet altogether.
The two women have strategically positioned themselves at a table directly by the door so that no one can escape their fastidious inspection. A black velvet painting of a tabby cat with huge green exaggerated eyes hangs above them.
They continue to cluck away and their conversation unfortunately drifts along with me as I make my way to the orange and gold chipped linoleum counter.
"Oh Thelma, I knoooow! Ruth Walton has not been widowed for more than eight months and she is already holding hands with John Franklin in church at Sunday service! one of the ladies clucks. Her wrinkled, thin lips are pursed together as though she has just sucked on a sour lemon slice
"It's just scandalous!" The other blue haired patron of the pastry shop agrees. She turns up her nose and shakes her head under hair that is piled high in a perfectly pinned, bluish-silver bun.
Well, I happen to know Ruth Walton, and wish the two women would mind their own business. Mrs. Walton had lost her husband to long bout with cancer almost a year ago. She found a companion in John Franklin, who's an elder in my church. He'd also been widowed years earlier. They're both very sweet, kind hearted souls who, deserve continued happiness.
I purchase a sugar-free vanilla cappuccino, two maple bars and try to make a clean getaway from the two gossiping hens. As I pull on the door to exit the shop the dangling brass cow bell that is wired to the top of the door clanks loudly above me. It draws attention to my departure and I know instinctively as the two women eye me carefully up and down, that I'll be their next topic of conversation.---
by Jody French
Neverland Publishing
Pg. 15
..."Whatever," Heather dismisses. She grabs me by the arm and cuddles into my sore ribs like a purring kitten. "Can you pleeease turn the music down a little bit?" she asks, rubbing her temples, I believe, in an attempt to fake a headache.
"That's twice already this morning," I mumble.
"What babe?" Heather asks, as she surveys her perfect manicure. Each fingernail is embossed with a tiny orange and black tiger paw. I wonder how girls think of these things.
"Oh nothin'." "Your hair looks nice," I compliment.
Heather smiles and kisses me on the cheek. Her good mood returns with my flattering words. "You're a living doll Forrest," she beams as she pulls my rearview mirror down to her eye level. She stokes her perfectly straightened and highlighted hair and reapplies her powder.
I reach up to wipe her finger smudges off my mirror. Sometimes I think Heather bases her good days and bad days on how many compliments she gets. This was compliment number two, if you count the honk she got from the farmer in the one ton truck earlier, and it wasn't even 8:30 a.m. yet---her day is probably shaping up nicely already.
I make a right onto Broadway. It's the second day of October and most of the small worn houses that line the street are already decorated in the Halloween spirit. Hay bales, pumpkins and strung up spider webs make for creepy, quaint curb appeal.
My brakes squeal slightly as I come to a stop in front of Sticky Buns Donut Shop. Heather has to have her morning cappuccino. As I enter the small coffee and sugar scented shop, I hear two elderly women whispering rather loudly. I wonder why they were bothering to whisper at all, since everyone within a twenty foot radium can hear them---the donut shop is probably only a hundred square feet altogether.
The two women have strategically positioned themselves at a table directly by the door so that no one can escape their fastidious inspection. A black velvet painting of a tabby cat with huge green exaggerated eyes hangs above them.
They continue to cluck away and their conversation unfortunately drifts along with me as I make my way to the orange and gold chipped linoleum counter.
"Oh Thelma, I knoooow! Ruth Walton has not been widowed for more than eight months and she is already holding hands with John Franklin in church at Sunday service! one of the ladies clucks. Her wrinkled, thin lips are pursed together as though she has just sucked on a sour lemon slice
"It's just scandalous!" The other blue haired patron of the pastry shop agrees. She turns up her nose and shakes her head under hair that is piled high in a perfectly pinned, bluish-silver bun.
Well, I happen to know Ruth Walton, and wish the two women would mind their own business. Mrs. Walton had lost her husband to long bout with cancer almost a year ago. She found a companion in John Franklin, who's an elder in my church. He'd also been widowed years earlier. They're both very sweet, kind hearted souls who, deserve continued happiness.
I purchase a sugar-free vanilla cappuccino, two maple bars and try to make a clean getaway from the two gossiping hens. As I pull on the door to exit the shop the dangling brass cow bell that is wired to the top of the door clanks loudly above me. It draws attention to my departure and I know instinctively as the two women eye me carefully up and down, that I'll be their next topic of conversation.---
My Baby's Grown Up (tear)~~
Where has the time gone?
Forrest is the baby of the family, my youngest child. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was working at the First Baptist Pre-school, here in town where Forrest attended, starting at the age of 3. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was going on field trips with him to the Tulsa Zoo, the Hands On Museum, Blue Bell Ice Cream plant, etc. It seems like it was just yesterday that I took him to his very first guitar lesson ever at the age of 4 at the Raper Memorial Library building here in Coweta, where he got a memo sent home for his first recital that stated that the children should show respect and, "not wear shoes that squeaked as they walked up to play their peice!" (I'm serious...that was one of the rules.) Needless to say we decided to find another guitar teacher, and he started to learn to play rock-n-roll from that day forward!
Just yesterday morning I had to drive Forrest to school for his very last field trip for school ever. His FCCLA group was going to Oklahoma City to spend the night for a convention (and go to the zoo, etc. without me) and he didn't want to leave his pick up truck with his prized possession sound system at the high school overnight.
We stopped at Sticks 66 to get him a pizza pocket and orange juice for breakfast before he got on the bus with his group to leave. Forrest turned and looked at me with the innocence of a 5 year old and said, "Man mom, this brings back memories---I feel like I'm in grade school again." Tear...tear and---tear!
Oh my---where has the time gone?
Forrest is the baby of the family, my youngest child. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was working at the First Baptist Pre-school, here in town where Forrest attended, starting at the age of 3. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was going on field trips with him to the Tulsa Zoo, the Hands On Museum, Blue Bell Ice Cream plant, etc. It seems like it was just yesterday that I took him to his very first guitar lesson ever at the age of 4 at the Raper Memorial Library building here in Coweta, where he got a memo sent home for his first recital that stated that the children should show respect and, "not wear shoes that squeaked as they walked up to play their peice!" (I'm serious...that was one of the rules.) Needless to say we decided to find another guitar teacher, and he started to learn to play rock-n-roll from that day forward!
Just yesterday morning I had to drive Forrest to school for his very last field trip for school ever. His FCCLA group was going to Oklahoma City to spend the night for a convention (and go to the zoo, etc. without me) and he didn't want to leave his pick up truck with his prized possession sound system at the high school overnight.
We stopped at Sticks 66 to get him a pizza pocket and orange juice for breakfast before he got on the bus with his group to leave. Forrest turned and looked at me with the innocence of a 5 year old and said, "Man mom, this brings back memories---I feel like I'm in grade school again." Tear...tear and---tear!
Oh my---where has the time gone?
Monday, April 2, 2012
RED DIRT ROCKER---Excerpt From Chapter One--
The following is an excerpt from my young adult novel, Red Dirt Rocker. I will be posting excerpts a couple of times a week until the books release on May 1, 2012. If you're from a small town, big city, if you like football, cheerleading, marching band, or music, chances are you might like my book! Thank you for reading.
~Excerpt from Chapter One--- Red Dirt Rocker~
by Jody French
Neverland Publishing
Page 2
My morning ritual always begins with a heartfelt greeting to my well-polished guitars hanging on the bedroom wall. "Hello Ladies," I greet the axes, patting my favorite, a Les Paul beauty I've named Betty. She's a looker, with a gorgeous maple finish and a shiny black fret board. Mom and Dad saved up all year and surprised me on my sixth birthday with the Gibson six-string. I will treasure it forever. All my nine guitars hold a special place in my heart---a speck of dust can't be found on any of my babies.
I grab my iPod and plug it into the homing device in the bathroom. Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighter's growling vocals and driving sound will help motivate me for the busy day ahead. Surveying my face in the mirror, I can't help but be proud of the slight fuzzy shadow growing on my chin. My team mates and I have decided to get a jump on no-shave November and stop shaving in October as well. After two weeks, I've given up on the hope of more substantial facial hair, but I still think I look at least a year older. Thanks to outdoor football practice, I still have a tan. Mama says it seem to make my blue eyes glow. When I was little I thought my eyes actually did get bluer in the summer. My sister Megan still teases me about that one.
I scratch my scalp and shake my unruly, blonde, curly hair. I've been accused of looking like a surfer dude, but I'm no beach bum.
Stepping back from the mirror, I strike a wide, tough stance with an imaginary guitar in hand and grimace as I play a silent riff to the Foo Fighter's song, "Pretender" that's blaring in the background. I jump, my heart thumps and my all-in air guitar performance is sadly interrupted by a hard knock on the bathroom door.
~Excerpt from Chapter One--- Red Dirt Rocker~
by Jody French
Neverland Publishing
Page 2
My morning ritual always begins with a heartfelt greeting to my well-polished guitars hanging on the bedroom wall. "Hello Ladies," I greet the axes, patting my favorite, a Les Paul beauty I've named Betty. She's a looker, with a gorgeous maple finish and a shiny black fret board. Mom and Dad saved up all year and surprised me on my sixth birthday with the Gibson six-string. I will treasure it forever. All my nine guitars hold a special place in my heart---a speck of dust can't be found on any of my babies.
I grab my iPod and plug it into the homing device in the bathroom. Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighter's growling vocals and driving sound will help motivate me for the busy day ahead. Surveying my face in the mirror, I can't help but be proud of the slight fuzzy shadow growing on my chin. My team mates and I have decided to get a jump on no-shave November and stop shaving in October as well. After two weeks, I've given up on the hope of more substantial facial hair, but I still think I look at least a year older. Thanks to outdoor football practice, I still have a tan. Mama says it seem to make my blue eyes glow. When I was little I thought my eyes actually did get bluer in the summer. My sister Megan still teases me about that one.
I scratch my scalp and shake my unruly, blonde, curly hair. I've been accused of looking like a surfer dude, but I'm no beach bum.
Stepping back from the mirror, I strike a wide, tough stance with an imaginary guitar in hand and grimace as I play a silent riff to the Foo Fighter's song, "Pretender" that's blaring in the background. I jump, my heart thumps and my all-in air guitar performance is sadly interrupted by a hard knock on the bathroom door.
Elmo Rocks!
I had a blast yesterday at the BOK Center in Tulsa rocking out with my grand babies at the Sesame Street Live Concert. It was so cute to watch them dance and clap, especially our little Clara Jane. She's only nine months old, but she was mesmerized by the characters and music jumped around and even clapped herself a few times! Yep...she's a rocker. And Elmo is her favorite rock star.
Forrest's count down to graduation from high school continues, and he is going to be participating in Donkey Basketball tonight at a fundraiser for his class of 2012 Project Graduation. They will be riding, pulling, pushing, coaxing, and dodging little cow-kickin' hoofs as they try to get the ball in the goal. My nephew Jerrad played Donkey Basketball back in 2000, the year he graduated from Coweta. He's actually a bonafide cowboy that won a reserve world championship in team penning when he was in high school. Well...he fell off his donkey and completely dislocated his index finger to where it formed a 90 degree right angle jutting to the side (uggh.) We called for Ricky Bryan in the stands to see if he could un-jam it (lots of the finger jamming stuff going on in the NFL and all), but he was even afraid to try. One whirl wind trip to the emergency room and his finger was fortunately popped back into place and a splint was put on it.
Hold on to your little donkeys kids!! And tuck and roll if you get bucked off!
Forrest's count down to graduation from high school continues, and he is going to be participating in Donkey Basketball tonight at a fundraiser for his class of 2012 Project Graduation. They will be riding, pulling, pushing, coaxing, and dodging little cow-kickin' hoofs as they try to get the ball in the goal. My nephew Jerrad played Donkey Basketball back in 2000, the year he graduated from Coweta. He's actually a bonafide cowboy that won a reserve world championship in team penning when he was in high school. Well...he fell off his donkey and completely dislocated his index finger to where it formed a 90 degree right angle jutting to the side (uggh.) We called for Ricky Bryan in the stands to see if he could un-jam it (lots of the finger jamming stuff going on in the NFL and all), but he was even afraid to try. One whirl wind trip to the emergency room and his finger was fortunately popped back into place and a splint was put on it.
Hold on to your little donkeys kids!! And tuck and roll if you get bucked off!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
My young adult novel "Red Dirt Rocker" is officially on and released for pre-sales! I have been very blessed to have such a wonderful publisher. Thank you, Donna Font and Neverland Publishing!!
The release date for shipping is May 1, 2012 (my daughter Skylar's B-day.) A really good day!
Happy reading y'all and God Bless!!!!
The release date for shipping is May 1, 2012 (my daughter Skylar's B-day.) A really good day!
Happy reading y'all and God Bless!!!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
"Red Dirt Rocker" Release Month!
I received an email from my publisher this week that let me know that we are going to shoot for April of this year for the release date of "Red Dirt Rocker!" I cannot wait to be able to hold a hot little copy in my hands and read like it was the first time!
I have also started on the first chapter of my next book, "Cowgirls And Painted Ponies." More on the subject matter and inspiration for the book soon.
Blessings and have a great weekend y'all!
I have also started on the first chapter of my next book, "Cowgirls And Painted Ponies." More on the subject matter and inspiration for the book soon.
Blessings and have a great weekend y'all!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
God Is Good And So Is Metal!
Forrest was filming our little special needs baby boy, Eddie Jett, yesterday and caught his first jump in the air with both feet off the ground! He also filmed him saying a new word. Keep in mind he signs most of what he wants at 4 years old. His vocabulary only consists of; Mama, Ga-Ga, up!,yogurt, and he has now been calling Skylar's new wonderful beau, Da-Da on occasion.
Forrest was filming precious Eddie Jett "head banging" to Metallica on his bed (his favorite pastime) and he asked him to say, Metal. He looked dead on at Forrest and said it with the cutest grin I've ever seen and then buried his head in the pillow!! "Metal!!!"
God is good and so is Metallica!
If you'd like to view the video just go to my facebook page at Jody French--- Coweta, OK.
Forrest was filming precious Eddie Jett "head banging" to Metallica on his bed (his favorite pastime) and he asked him to say, Metal. He looked dead on at Forrest and said it with the cutest grin I've ever seen and then buried his head in the pillow!! "Metal!!!"
God is good and so is Metallica!
If you'd like to view the video just go to my facebook page at Jody French--- Coweta, OK.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Hey There Sports Fans!
Hey y'all!
Long time no post. No excuses, just life. I thought the holidays were busy, but I think it's
the weeks afterward that I took time to try to organize my life a bit more in order to be
ready to face 2012. I've stayed busier than ever, but I'm ready to start writing again.
It's Super Bowl Sunday. My daughter left very mad. The Patriots, her team, lost.
It was a fantastic game though. A nail biter to the end.
Just a quick post to catch you all up. I still don't have a release date for my book, but
hopefully I will very soon. I'm still so excited and motivated as ever to get it on the
shelves. Forrest got some great news in the last couple of weeks music wise. He
is going to have the extreme honor of recording at David Teegarden's state of the
art recording studio in the next couple of weeks! Yes, David Teegarden, the drummer
for The Silver Bullet Band, the drummer that has worked with Eric Clapton. Unreal!
He is so very excited. God is truly working in his life.
My daughters and their babies are doing great as well. We had a "pony party" for Eddie
Jett's 4th B-day party two weeks ago, complete with a blue and white painted pony.
The kids had the best day ever. Landon and Clara Jane are growing like weeds.
Landon is counting, knows most of his colors and shapes as well at 2 years old...
Little smarty pants. Clara Jane is developing her personality big time. Love them so.
My daughter Skylar (Eddie Jett's mom) has fallen in love with the loveliest young man.
We are thrilled for her. He treats her like gold and loves Eddie Jett with a sweet,
gentle, understanding love. So blessed.
Hope 2012 is treating you all well. Have a blessed week all!
Long time no post. No excuses, just life. I thought the holidays were busy, but I think it's
the weeks afterward that I took time to try to organize my life a bit more in order to be
ready to face 2012. I've stayed busier than ever, but I'm ready to start writing again.
It's Super Bowl Sunday. My daughter left very mad. The Patriots, her team, lost.
It was a fantastic game though. A nail biter to the end.
Just a quick post to catch you all up. I still don't have a release date for my book, but
hopefully I will very soon. I'm still so excited and motivated as ever to get it on the
shelves. Forrest got some great news in the last couple of weeks music wise. He
is going to have the extreme honor of recording at David Teegarden's state of the
art recording studio in the next couple of weeks! Yes, David Teegarden, the drummer
for The Silver Bullet Band, the drummer that has worked with Eric Clapton. Unreal!
He is so very excited. God is truly working in his life.
My daughters and their babies are doing great as well. We had a "pony party" for Eddie
Jett's 4th B-day party two weeks ago, complete with a blue and white painted pony.
The kids had the best day ever. Landon and Clara Jane are growing like weeds.
Landon is counting, knows most of his colors and shapes as well at 2 years old...
Little smarty pants. Clara Jane is developing her personality big time. Love them so.
My daughter Skylar (Eddie Jett's mom) has fallen in love with the loveliest young man.
We are thrilled for her. He treats her like gold and loves Eddie Jett with a sweet,
gentle, understanding love. So blessed.
Hope 2012 is treating you all well. Have a blessed week all!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Exciting Monday Mornings! Sample Chapter of My Book on Website!
Don't you just love Monday mornings that have a twist to them. I mean a good twist, something out of the ordinary and exciting. Well, my mundane Monday morning had just that today. My publisher emailed me with the news that they have posted a sample chapter of my young adult book, "Red Dirt Rocker!"
I feel thrilled, nervous, and spoiled all at the same time. The "spoiled" part may sound out of place but it's there non the less. I know I have worked so hard for the past two years to put my thoughts to paper or computer screen but, to have been graciously picked up by a traditional publisher that found a spark of loveliness and potential in my work really does makes me feel a bit spoiled.
I am so grateful and blessed. I do know that if you believe in something you can absolutely make it happen. Just put one foot in front of the other, or a sentence on a page each day. It may take time and some days you might be tempted to give up, but just have perseverance. The only thing that can stop you is yourself!
If you would like to pop over and read the chapter, it can be found at They even posted a photo of my smiling mug. What a very strange and satisfying morning.
Blessings and encouragement to all that have dreams!
I feel thrilled, nervous, and spoiled all at the same time. The "spoiled" part may sound out of place but it's there non the less. I know I have worked so hard for the past two years to put my thoughts to paper or computer screen but, to have been graciously picked up by a traditional publisher that found a spark of loveliness and potential in my work really does makes me feel a bit spoiled.
I am so grateful and blessed. I do know that if you believe in something you can absolutely make it happen. Just put one foot in front of the other, or a sentence on a page each day. It may take time and some days you might be tempted to give up, but just have perseverance. The only thing that can stop you is yourself!
If you would like to pop over and read the chapter, it can be found at They even posted a photo of my smiling mug. What a very strange and satisfying morning.
Blessings and encouragement to all that have dreams!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Happy 2012!!
Well, happy 2012 everyone! Rang in the new year with my sisters in downtown Tulsa. We all went to the historic Blue Dome District to hear Forrest play an acoustic set. I was brought to tears as Forrest began to play, "Wish You Were Here." An extremely talented blues player snuck up on stage and began to jam with Forrest. His name is Dustin Pittsley, and he and his award winning blues band just got off tour with Dirks Bentley. Sure reminded me of the good old days when Forrest would jam for hours with other musicians just for the pure pleasure of experiencing the music. It was the best way to start out the new year for sure.
I am putting together my bio this week for my press kit for my book, "Red Dirt Rocker," which is just surreal to me. I should have my targeted release date soon. I am very blessed.
I just want to wish everyone a healthy, wealthy and wisdom chocked 2012!
Peace and blessings,
I am putting together my bio this week for my press kit for my book, "Red Dirt Rocker," which is just surreal to me. I should have my targeted release date soon. I am very blessed.
I just want to wish everyone a healthy, wealthy and wisdom chocked 2012!
Peace and blessings,
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