Red Dirt Rocker

Red Dirt Rocker
Y/A novel by Jody French--Inspired by the adventures of musician- Forrest French

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The U.P.S. Man is Santa Claus??

I'm going to go see Santa at the Mall today with the G-babies...I had a friend say, "you LIVE with Santa!"  (My husband is a U.P.S. Man)...I told him, "no, I live with THE GRINCH!"  Poor Monty---he comes home every night this magical time of the year with a "ba-humbug," look on his wind burned face!  Delivering all Santa's gifts, and working 13 hour days out in the blustery weather---can't blame him.  Yep, for the past 24 years that he's worked for U.P.S.  I'm always on my own, every holiday season, cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating, etc.,---I tend to forget what his handsome, weather-worn, face even looks like this time of the year!  Bright side---the overtime he makes helps us to buy the gifts that some other hard working U.P.S. man will deliver this season~

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"I Think I Can...I Think I Can"...

I watched my precious Grand son, Eddie Jett from 4:00p.m. until 2:00 a.m. yesterday---well, technically today too!  He finally went to sleep around 1:30 a.m..  I forgot I had to sub at IGC Middle School until this morning, early. Jumped out of bed and got ready in 25 minutes.  (For a girl, that's pretty fast.)  I will get out of school at 3:15, and then get my other precious Grand babies, Landon, who is 2, and Clara Jane, who is 5 months old.  I'll have them until 8:30 tonight.

Alright Grammie---"I think I can...I think I can...I think I can..."  I'm tired.  Man, I'm getting old.  But no one better than to grow old with than my family!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Signing my Publishers Agreement contract today for my book, "Red Dirt Rocker"

Good morning Sunshines!

After 2 years of writing, rewriting, and countless days of, "the ideas are flowing like wine," to countless days of,  "I cannot get motivated to put a sentence on paper", (or on computer screen), I am beyond thrilled to announce, that today, I am signing a publishing contract for my original, young adult book, "Red Dirt Rocker."  A book that I've written around working full time and part time.  A book that I have written around keeping three precious, busy bee, Grand babies, all under the age of four years old.  A book that I've written while still being a hands on, there-when-they-need-me, mom to three wonderful children.  A book that I've written around being the household accountant, cook, maid, errand runner, and  wife of a U.P.S. man that usually works over fifty hours a week.  A book that I've written after forty seven years of living on this earth.    

I've definitely realized this year that you're never too old to still be a dreamer, to learn something new, or achieve a goal you've been pondering .  Take all the good, and all the bad,  take all the heartwarming and heartbreaking times of your life, and either rejoice greatly in those times, or learn quickly how to put a spin on them for the best.

Start a journal, pick up your old art supplies, try a new recipe, sing a new song, play that instrument that's collecting dust in the back  room, ride a horse, get a puppy, take a short run, kiss your kids... kiss the U.P.S. man---(well... I can, he's my husband--he still might appreciate it though), heck...write a book!!!   YOU CAN DO IT!!!

I guess I shouldn't sound too preachy on the motivation stuff---I'm still snuggled in bed as I type this morning!  Time to rise and shine though, and  sign this contract that I never, ever thought I would finally be signing.  To put it in the mail today---to continue to work diligently, proudly, and gratefully.  Time to continue having faith that my hard work will pay off.  Time to keep moving forward...always time to keep dreaming!

Have a great Monday ya'll!!

Oh yes...and time to go grocery shopping too...we're out of everything! :)  It's a glorious, glamourous life~

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Movie "Courageous"

Me, Monty, Forrest, and some of his friends from Sunday School just got back from seeing the movie, "Courageous".   My eyes are swollen from the tears that drained from them during the film.  I absolutely give it two "tissue boxes" up!  The sleeves of my long sleeve shirt are still damp from wiping my eyes.  So glad it was a thermal...more absorbent.

If you are a child on this earth that has a father...yes, that's everyone, then you will find this movie beyond touching.  Children with doting fathers, absent fathers, part-time fathers, with "father's you've never met", fathers, etc., will find it to be a heart-string-pulling, compelling movie.

Don't expect, "Star Trek", effects, "Die Hard", action or "Rocky-like," sequels.  Do expect to smile, laugh, shed a tear,(or a couple hundred), and be inspired by the thought provoking, beautiful, small budget, story .  There should be more movies made like, "Courageous."

If you don't catch it at the theaters, please check it out on DVD when it is released.

"We were meant to be courageous"~~

Friday, December 2, 2011

  I'm having a busy day at Coweta Intermediate Grade Center with the fourth grade students.  I just love that age. They are still sweet and innocent, but mature enough to handle lesson plans on their own.  What a wonderful, well behaved class I have today.

Don't tell anybody, but I'm even getting some good editing time in on my book, "Red Dirt Rocker"----The students have been so cooperative that I have been able to re-read a couple chapters and make some edits.  I can't imagine it ever really leaving my hands and going to final print...I am always trying to improve it with each read through.  I received my contract yesterday and will be signing and notarizing it on Monday!!!  I am so thrilled!!

Woo-hoo!  Paarrty!!  Cake and ice cream anyone??  Speaking of cake...I made Paula Deans, "Gooey Butter Cake" for Thanksgiving---as she would say, "YUM!"  I added some chocolate and butterscotch chips to the recipe, and was given a big pat on the back from the family for it.  Paula's recipes are always a "no fail" choice.

Gotta get back to the kiddos.  So blessed to be able to work with young children.  They are our future.  Today, in the fourth grade hall at Coweta IGC---the future looks very bright!

Keep coming back and check for the excerpts from my book, "Red Dirt Rocker."  I promise they are coming!  Have a great day all!  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The movie, "Courageous"

My husband and I are going with the youth from our Sunday School class at First Baptist Church to see the movie, "Courageous", this weekend.  Forrest is going for the second time.  He came in the other night after seeing it and said he had a frog in his throat from trying not to cry for at least an hour after the movie.  I can't wait.  I'll be sure to give a movie review afterwards.

ps  My husband Monty and I took our daughter Skylar, Eddie Jett and Forrest to see, "The Muppet Movie", Thanksgiving day after we delivered meals here in town.  It was really cute.   I was afraid Skylar, who is 22 years old, and Forrest, who is 18, were going to think it was corny.  On the contrary...they laughed the loudest.   Eddie Jett, who is 3 1/2, kept looking at them like, "what's so funny guys?"  The Muppetts...closing the generation gap in the French family! My favorite characters are, The Swedish Chef, Beaker, and the Old Guys.
Gotta love geriatric humor!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday shopping madness

I've already done much of my Christmas shopping before this weekend.  I think I'm going to finish it all at Arrowhead Mall in Muskogee, OK.  It's the same distance as Tulsa from here.  I can park in the first few parking spots smack dab in front of Dillards, and open my arms wide apart and spin around in the stores it's so "uncrowded".  Plus the fish tank there is really cool!  I totally think it'll be worth the $20.75 I would have  saved by getting out in the madness today...Honk-honk.  Enjoy the traffic people!

All my children are official, "Okies from Muskogee"...born in the hospital there.  Small cities rule!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Delivering Thanksgiving meals in my teenager's pickup truck

Wishing everyone who reads this a very Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!  I am beyond blessed.  Watched my   grandbaby, Eddie Jett until 2:00 a.m. for Skylar while she was at work...then got up bright and early to go to our church and help with the community Thanksgiving meal.  Popped in Forrest's room, where it was dark and cozy, and whispered, "Do you wanna get up now and go to the church with me to help?"  Well, without fail, he rolled over, just as he's done every year and said, "Sure."

Now, anyone with a teenager knows how they value their holiday breaks from school, and the sleeping time it affords.  I am beyond blessed to have a son that has had the advantage to travel the world as a cheered-for rock star, that still wants to help others in the way that he does.  He's never let the position that God has blessed him with affect his humble nature to do good unto others.

My daughters always helped in years past as well, but now they have babies that they have to keep up with.  I am pretty sure, as their children get older, more mobile, and independent, that they will come back to the tradition of delivering Thanksgiving meals with us as a family.

Even if it's just opening the door for someone when you're doing your Holiday shopping, or smiling at someone who looks like they may need one, I can bet you will be just as blessed as the receiver of your small act of kindness.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for, "everything that is good and just"...and thankful most of all, for my God that will always help me deal with the things in this life that are not~~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Gone With the Wind"~~

Cuddled up on the comfy couch with a buttery soft, snugly afghan, some toasted coconut yogurt, and "Gone With the Wind" on AMC..."Frankly my dear"...what a wonderful break before the cooking madness begins!

"Red Dirt Rocker" excerpts!

Another teaser!  I am going to start posting excerpts from my book right after Thanksgiving, as  the grocery shopping, cooking, eating, family visiting stuff lets up.  Gobble, gobble!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Taking a walk~

I am going to get outside and take a walk today.  It's's good for you, I should do it more often.  I admire my neighbors, the Chances.  They walk all the time.  I usually see them from my kitchen window as I'm eating something over the sink.

Let's get out there people!

Pumpkin bread and Zac Brown's "Colder Weather"

It is a beeeaaauutiful morning here in Cowtown, Oklahoma...aka Coweta.  The autumn sun is dancing through the branches of the pin oak tree outside my bedroom window, reflecting shadows in motion on my mini blinds. Forrest is up and around getting ready for school.  He has the heart warming song, "Colder Weather", by the Zac Brown Band playing.  I can't believe that kid is a morning person...he got it from his Dad btw, not me. When he toured he always found it ironic that he and his band mates would have to get up at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning at times to play live and do morning radio station interviews.  "Not rocker friendly hours", he would say.  I was always glad he wasn't difficult to get up and drag off the tour bus for quick shower in the hotel. He could always milk cows, or work at a doughnut shop if the music thing doesn't work out.  Both, wee hours of the morning jobs.

Speaking of morning people, which I'm not, I'm still laying in bed with my lap top propped up in front of my weary eyes.  It's too warm and snugly to bail out hastily.  I have to run several baskets of home baked goods to the high school this morning for Forrest's Senior class Project Graduation chili dinner and pie auction tomorrow.  I love small towns and their pie auctions!  Yes, I live in Mayberry... I felt like Aunt Bea yesterday as I was baking up a storm in the brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg scented kitchen.
Speaking of cinnamon.  I was making homemade cinnamon rolls last week while my precious little toddler munchkin, Grandson Landon, was standing on a chair "helping" me. (Which in Grandma baking terms, meant he was spreading sugar and flour all over my floor.)  Well, the poor little guy slipped on the chair and fell.  He cried, I almost cried, and I rocked him to sleep quickly and went back to my rolls.  After all day of letting the dough rise, punching it down, letting it rise again, rolling it out, and cutting them, I finally got them baking.  I thought a certain scent was missing as they baked. I was correct.  Between the commotion of Landon falling off the chair and the rocking to sleep stuff, I had completely forgotten to put the CINNAMON in the melted butter  and brown sugar for the filling!  I decided not to cry over un-spiced dough and poured cinnamon and sugar all over the top of the cream cheese icing.  My family said they were the best cinnamon rolls they had ever eaten.  Lesson learned... don't cry over spilled Grand babies...make them SIT at the table while they cover your kitchen with flour while your baking~~

Back to Forrest, I still cannot believe my son is a Senior.  He's the baby of the family.  Five years separates he and his younger sister Skylar.  My daughter Jessica is six years older than him.  They were always so good to him, never treating him as the annoying little brother as they grew up.  They call him Bub.  I think any sister that calls their brother Bub, has to be close.  It's a term of endearment for sure.    I'm proud to say, I haven't had to call him "Forrest Courtland French," too many times through the years.  (That would be the, throw the middle name in there because he's in trouble, way to address him.)  He's a good kid.  He's eighteen years old and he's still my "kid"...he'll always be my baby.

I'm waiting for my contract from my publisher to come through any day now.  I'm anxious and so proud to start the process of getting it printed and ready for sale to the public.  In the meantime, "Aunt Bea" is going to run her pumpkin bread to the high school for the bake sale today, and help her daughter and Grandson move out onto some acreage with peach trees and a large, gorgeous, fish-stocked pond, this weekend. Our little Eddie Jett will have more room to grow~

Have a good day y'all!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zac Brown Band~~One of Forrest's favorite concerts yet

Forrest and his best girl Katelynn, went to see the Zac Brown Band at the BOK Center in Tulsa last night.

Forrest had to wake up early this morning to get ready to work for his "coach hero,  Coach Clemments," at his lawn care business this morning.  Monty and I just got up with him to pack his lunch,  (as  any over-doting parent, whose son is about to graduate, and you take every opportunity to spoil them before they fly out of the nest, would do.)   I know, weird that it took two of us to pack a lunch.  Monty got the ice chest---I was on sandwich duty.  We're both still worn out from watching our little buddy, Eddie Jett while Sky was at work last night till midnight so it took two tired brains to do it!

Anyhow, Forrest was so pumped about the concert, he could not stop talking about it.
He played us footage from his I-Phone and went on and on about how it was probably the best show he had ever been to...and he's been to many.  Not only did each band member of the Zac Brown Band, play virtually all the instruments, but they also sang either back up or lead vocals as well at one point.  The light show, everything was just incredible he said.

Now...the best part.  Forrest said that Zac stopped the show for a bit and spoke to the huge crowd about the issue of special needs children.  Forrest thought, if he heard him correctly, that Zac has a special needs nephew, as does Forrest.  Zac gave everyone information on a camp that he and his band are responsible for building with proceeds from their concerts and music sales. It's called, Camp Southern Ground.  They even had a booth set up at the show, so that concert goers could sign up their loved ones with special needs to receive more information about the amazing camp.  Forrest was just blown away by their musical prowess and generous giving spirit.

All I can say is, that's what being famous is all about...I know of some Southern Mama's that have got to be proud of their musically talented, Southern musician sons.  Zac Brown Band, my family salutes you!

Rock on~~

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yeah Taylor Swift!

The CMT Awards were so wonderful!!   The Glen Campbell tribute was so heartwarming.  I sure remember my Mama listening to all his songs back in the day.  I loved "Rhinestone Cowboy."

And way to go Taylor Swift!!  So thrilled that she received Entertainer of the Year again this year.  She is such an incredible role model for young people.  Check out my pic of her and Forrest together on my facebook page, (Jody French), at the Pole Star Awards at the Kodak Theater in L.A. back in 2009 I believe.  They look like they could be brother and sister...she has about a foot on Forrest's height!  She is such a tall beauty.

And a tear jerker for me, was Martina McBride's, "Love You Through It".  My little sister has battled breast cancer this year and has one more surgery on the 17th of this month.  She will have her very last treatment and be able to put it all behind her at the first of the year in 2012.  We sure loved her through it.  She is my hero.  Thank you Martina and most of all, thank you for inspiring me daily Shannon.  I love you!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coming soon!! "Red Dirt Rocker" excerpts~~

Well, I made it official today.  I have committed to a publisher for my original manuscript, "Red Dirt Rocker".  I am waiting on their contract as I type this!!

Anyone who has ever taken more than a year to commit to writing from your heart day in and day out, backspacing and staring off into space until the "just right" word hits you in the brain, made your family suffer from lack of meals cooked, saw their house pile up with dirty laundry and dishes, or been in such a trance in front of your computer screen that your spouse could come walking in naked and dancing in front of you bearing a golden platter of  your favorite cupcakes on their head and you would never even notice, can relate to my life for the past two years.  I have been in a, "I've gotta get these words out of my head and onto paper" mode for over twenty four months, and now my dream of seeing my baby in print is going to actually come to fruition.  I feel beyond blessed, and my family will be so glad to have me back in the world of the non-writing-living.

I know there is still much work ahead, but to me, it is going to be the fun stuff.  No one has ever mistaken me for someone who cannot talk their leg off or listen to till them talk about interesting subjects till the cows come home.  I think PR for my book will come very naturally, especially since my book is for middle school and young adult favorite genera of people!  I love to visit and relate with young people, and hope they find, "Red Dirt Rocker", to be a fun, exciting and inspirational read.

I will have my release date given to me after the holidays.  In the meantime, I am going to begin posting excerpts from my book here on my blog.  I truly hope you enjoy.  If you are following my blog, please let the teens in your life know when I post entries from my book, as I think they will enjoy the subject matter.

Thank you all for your support and God bless! earthquakes today so far!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes in Oklahoma...What?

Back in 2009 Forrest was still touring with his band.  Monty and I both flew out with him for his  video shoot in L.A., and were placed on separate flights back to Oklahoma.  While sitting in the Salt Lake City, Utah airport on a layover, I looked up at the television monitors to see CNN doing a live update on an earthquake that had just stuck the Los Angeles area!  It totally freaked me out, and like any mom I frantically dug my cell phone out to make sure Forrest and Monty were ok.  They were just fine.  Forrest thought it was the coolest thing ever, and Monty felt it bounce his plane on the tarmac as they were waiting to taxi out.  Monty was freaking out as well.  I don't think either one of us wanted to leave out baby boy out there with the earth rumbling under his feet!

In Oklahoma we are used to tornadoes.  When the weather gets unpredictable and the warnings are sounded we head for my sister Shannon's fraidy hole, aka underground storm cellar.  We are not, however, accustomed to earthquakes. For the past two nights now, we have experienced earthquakes in Coweta, Oklahoma!  I'm talking 5.6 on the richter scale, earthquakes.  Both nights, our bed has shook and our window panes have rattled.  The one last night reverberated for at least half a minute, which seemed like an eternity. My entire family was still hanging out at our house, and after the rumbling we filtered out onto the sidewalk and yelled back and forth to the neighbors about the crazy act of nature.  Our Facebook pages lit up with reports of the quake.  My favorite was one of Forrest's buds who posted a pic of a lawn chair that had tipped over.  The caption above it read:  "Oklahoma earthquake of 2011...I will never forget it!"  

Oklahoma earthquakes...really?  Makes me thankful for my one level ranch style home here on the range.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

No sub for the sub~~

Had to run to the doctor yesterday because my allergies are finally getting the best of me.  I'm not sure of I've mentioned I'm allergic to Fall.  I got an anti-biotic and a flu shot.  I woke up this morning feeling like a truck had run over me.  I was scheduled to sub today for the middle school by my house, so I sucked it up and went on in.  Half a box of tissue, two tylenol, a serving of my Z-Pac, and an allergy tablet later, I've got half of the day whipped.  

As bad as I feel, the 6th graders at IGC have still brightened my day.  They make me smile, and even the ornery ones were sweet enough to tell me they hope I feel better.  I also read the kids more sample chapters from my book, Red Dirt Rocker, and they were thrilled.  They are so anxious for it to be in print.  One young lady even brought her Kindle to class and said she cannot wait to order it.  It will be such an unbelievable honor to have my book in their young hands!

I'm finishing up lunch and have to go back for two hours.  Can't wait to get more hugs from the kids and then get back to my warm, cozy, comfy bed, put some Vicks on my nose, put a good movie on and crash out for the night!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Eddie Jett and I made a trip to town yesterday, and at our last busy stop at Drug Warehouse I bought him a big bag of Puffy Cheetos.  I buckled him in the back car seat, loaded my sacks in the back hatch, gave him one Cheeto for the road and proceeded to head home.  I had the bag of Cheetos in the front seat with me and I glanced back to see he had already eaten the cheesy puff and was ready for another one.  I grabbed a puff out of the bag as I concentrated on the road, and said, "say pleeease".  I sang out, "say pleeease", two more times waiting for a verbal response, but there was just silence. I turned to look back at him.  He was covered in bright orange cheddar powder, shaking his head back and forth in his car seat, and was frantically rubbing his tiny fist up and down vertically over his size 24 month, cute as a button, red  Elmo sweatshirt over and over...this is sign language for PLEASE.  Sometimes I forget that he is a little guy of very few words, and phrases and is learning to  sign to us most all of his needs and wants.  I quickly surrendered the Cheeto!  I wanted to give him the entire bag all at once.  I felt like such a heel <3  It was a lesson in slow down, shut up and listen for sure.

Take a minute to truly listen to someone you love today~

Monday, October 31, 2011

Foliage on fire and Halloween!

It is a gorgeous day here in Oklahoma!  The trees are fiery red and almost neon yellow and orange in some areas.   It's Halloween today, and the little trick or treaters are going to have a wonderful night collecting their candy loot.  So glad they don't have to wear their coats over their cute and scary costumes...Forrest is still dressing up.  I think he said he was going to be a "Red Neck Tinkerbell"---go Forrest!  So glad he's not too cool to do silly things.

My little Grand baby goblins are going to be a tiny kitty, (Clara Jane), an adorable lion cub, (Landon), and Rio the parrot, (Eddie Jett).  We went to a barn Halloween party out in the Choska Bottoms this weekend, so had a trial run with the costumes and took lots of pictures.  They were so freaking cute!

This weekend I got my kitchen on, making owl cupcakes, orange pumpkin and purple star cookies, and mummies in a blanket, (beef hot dogs wrapped in Pillsbury crescent dough to make them look like mummies.  I put tiny dots on the eyes with food coloring.  They are the funnies things...I think they also look a little like Baby Jesus' wrapped in swaddling clothing too.  Guess I can break them back out for Christmas!

I'm on my way in to the Heritage Middle School to sub for the 6th grade for half a day.  Cannot wait to see all the kids.  They make me feel like a celebrity when I haven't seen them in a while.  I love getting mauled on the playground, with hugs and, "Mrs. FRENCH--S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am blessed to be able to work with them.

Hope everyone has a fun, creative, make-believe, and safe time tonight.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I love teenagers

My husband came home late from work, (he works for U.P.S....imagine that?!), and accidentally ate ALL the servings of dinner.  Forrest was the only one that had not eaten yet.  I came into the kitchen, to see Forrest rolling up a bag of chips.  He said, "Man, I feel really dinner was Ruffles and a cupcake."

Gotta love teenagers!!

Need to Breathe..."Somethin' Beautiful" ~~ and owl cupcakes!!

Wonderful, blessed day!!  Made little owl cupcakes from one of the pinterest sites, for Halloween--(I will credit them in my next blog--)  Also made my Miss Clara Jane the most adorable Halloween headband---I got creative with black tulle scraps I had left over from a tutu I made her for her baby shower, and put sparkely purple and orange stars and polka dots on it along with a loop of metalic purple pipe cleaner.  She looks most precious in it!!  I'm going to post pics on my facebook...

I also blew up a small beach ball for Eddie Jett and Landon to throw around the house, since it's a rainy, cold day.  Brought a little sunshine into the house.  And Forrest is teaching guitar lessons this afternoon.  He has his excellent student, Calton Sidebottom in his music room now.  Calton is 11 years old, I believe, and the kid can ROCK!  They are playing, "Something Beautiful", by Need to Breathe.  If you have not heard the song, you should Youtube it.  It is incredible and such great background music for my wonderful day.

Little Landon is handing me my book that's in a box, (which could dump at any moment), so I'd better scoot!!

Who says rainy days are boring?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Top 5 reasons I should not have joined Pinterest!


1.  My son and husband still need groceries bought and baked or fried in the form of diner

2.  I still need to shower and brush my teeth

3.  I need to go to work

4.  I keep dreaming of all the amazing projects I can do, but there is not enough time in my day

5.  Yesterday evening, I was watching my 2 year old Grandson, Landon, but was also pinning the most amazing recipe for "Bang-Bang shrimp" (that, btw, I will probably never make), and looked down at the end of my bed to see him stripping his final piece of clothing off.  He then
proceeded to pee in my bedroom floor.

Dang you Pinterest!!  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Candy Corn---

I made chocolate frosted brownies decorated with cute little candy corn...I've EATEN way too many chocolate frosted brownies with cute little candy corn--

I'm blaming the cute little candy corn.  Way too inviting.  Thanks a lot Brachs!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lazy Sundays

Had a good group in our Sunday School class this morning.  My husband and I teach the seniors in our youth department.  They are such a blessing to us.  Interesting to see where their lives will take them once they graduate this spring.  Forrest is in our class too.  Time sure flies.  Seems like just yesterday I was teaching his pre-school class.

It's a gorgeous day today.  Monty and I grilled for the family.  Meats-n-More rules!  They have the best brauts and chicken breast.  Just got in from watching Landon slide and play in the back yard.  He was counting for us.  "Six, two, ten, seven"...gotta love 2 year olds.

My daughters are I are laying around in my room now having some good lazy time.  They are talking about tattoos.  They each have several.  Some people have hang ups or harsh opinions on tattoos.  I think they are an artist expression when tastefully done and have great meaning.  I have one on my right upper back.  A fighter jet with the words "Black Bird Fly", (my favorite Beatle's song), around it with 3 little tiny stars.  I got it after  Eddie Jett was born and had had his medical issues.  We all got a "jet" themed or airplane tattoo.  I need to go back and get little tiny blackbirds trailing for each of my grand-babies.  Will be interesting to see how many blackbirds I'll end up with.

"Black bird take these broken wings and learn to fly..."  That song brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it now. Long live the Beatles.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October and scary movies!

The weather has turned really cool here in Oklahoma this week.  I'm ready for a scary movie marathon.  The chill outside makes me want to break out the afghans and cuddle up on the couch with popcorn and the t.v. remote control. I love my Netflix.  I think Skylar and I are going to watch, "Case 39" tonight.  I watched it with my husband two weeks ago.  It was so creepy, I want to share it with others.  The child actress in the film was amazing.  She had me scared of the dark for at least two days after I saw the movie...and scared of children too; (not really).

I'm still zonked from the drive to New Mexico and back.  Tomorrow, I will get back out into the big, wonderful, amazing world.  Tonight, it's yoga pants, my leopard slippers, and a scary flick with a creepy kid in its cast of characters.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Home sweet home~~

My sis and I drove straight through from New Mexico yesterday.  Good to be back home in Cow-town.

As I was unpacking my toothbrush, trying to muster enough energy to actually brush my teeth before I fell into my comfy bed, Forrest yelled for me to come back to his room.  He was excited to show me the start of the new song he's written.  He's pretty amazing with a Mac laptop and some production software.  The song gave me tears.  Can't wait to see how it flows as he continues to work on it.  I'll let you know how it turns out.  I'm sure he'll put a video on facebook.  For some reason he's been locked out of his youtube account, forrestfrenchmusic, for several months.  He can't figure out why, and is unable to upload new videos.  I'm sure he'll eventually figure it out or start a new one.

While I was gone, my precious Eddie Jett learned how to nod his head "yes" when Skylar asks him if he loves  Mama!  Before, he would always shake his head "no" to most everything.  I think he was just being ornery!  School is going so wonderful for him.  Skylar and I are just thrilled.  Every new thing he learns, no matter how big or small, is a gift from God.

My daughter Jessica has two adorable angels as well.  Landon, who just turned 2, and our brand new little miss Clara Jane who is 3 months old.  Landon is the cutest little mighty-might.  He's 2, but is still wearing some 12 month old clothing  He also has the most precious teeny, blue plastic glasses since he inherited his mama's far-sighted condition.  He pretty much stops traffic at the mall as does Eddie Jett.  Eddie Jett has an endearing smile that lights up an entire room, and absolutely cherub-like blonde, curly locks.  Baby Clara Jane is at the stage where we're all on pins and needles waiting to see what her permanent features are going to be like.  Is she going to have curly or straight, light or dark hair... are her gorgeous, sparkely eyes going to stay sky blue or turn aqua greenish?  I'm guessing curly, golden spun locks and  light, ocean blue eyes.  She's just started laughing out loud, so the family sits around her for entertainment making fools of ourselves to get her to cackle.

Landon and Eddie Jett call me Ga-Ga.  Apparently, Landon was asking for Ga-Ga quite a bit while I was gone.  A couple of weeks ago Landon came to his mama in his diaper and t-shirt, crawled up on their couch with his tiny sandals, velcroed them on all by himself and said, "Ga-Ga's???"  It was bedtime by the way.  I so would have gone and picked him up!

Ga-Ga is glad to be back home sweet home!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Love Boat

Still in Albuquerque New Mexico visiting my mom.  My sister and I are having a blast---
Laying in the hotel room getting delirious from only about 7 hours of sleep in two days.

We just named all the characters on "The Love Boat" like it was our children's names.
Funny what valuable information your brain holds onto!

Going to sleep like a non-colicky baby tonight~

Sunday, October 16, 2011

On the road again

It's now 7:40 p.m. Albuquerque New Mexico time on Sunday night...I haven't slept since 8:45 a.m on Saturday morning...Drove straight thru with my sister Shannon and my two crazy fun 6 and 7 year old nieces, Ella and Avery to see my ailing mother here in New Mexico...

We just go back from the pool.  The girls tell me they are the next Rachel Rays, popping microwave popcorn, and making tiny lunchable microwave pizzas.  I just got a mini cheese pizza stuffed in my face while I was on face book...It was incredible!

We have had a blast!  Had a wonderful visit with my mother who had to have her left leg amputated after five failed knee transplants.  She has healed well, off most pain meds and doing so incredible.   My sis, Shannon is recovering from breast cancer.  She is a traveling trooper.  She never slows down.  Has finished her last chemo treatment two months ago and is stronger than ever!  Just did a calendar shoot for the greater Tulsa area for turn Tulsa Pink Month...She's Miss December!!!  Rocking the "no hair" look and all!!  Just gorgeous!

What strong women run in the Puckett family.  I am very proud....and having an amazing time here in Albuquerque, New Mexico!  Whoops---gotta go.  My nieces, Ella and Avery are championship wrestling on my bed---about to knock my computer over.  Happy trails!  Correction...Ella told me it was not wrestling.  According to her tae-kwondo instructor, it's called grappling...I stand corrected.   P.S. she also informs me, she is a three stripped "white belt"!   lol...I;m sooo delerious

Friday, October 14, 2011


Coweta High School's football homecoming is tonight.  My husband and I certainly thought Forrest would be playing football in his senior year of high school.  He had played since 1rst grade, but had to give it up because of his music career.  I remember when he was 10 years old he broke his wrist in practice.  His  father, btw, was his coach.  Forrest was trying not to cry, but from the sidelines I could tell he was hurt. My husband Monty made him run his laps at the end of practice anyway, with Forrest holding his arm up to his side.  Needless to say I was incredibly upset when after I insisted we run him into the emergency room and found it was broken!! Forrest was so tough, my husband just thought it was a sprain.  A mom  knows better...After Forrest began touring and recording he just couldn't chance a broken hand or arm since he plays guitar.  It was tough decision for him.  We are a football family, but high school football comes and goes, but the songs that Forrest has written and recorded will be around forever.  I'm so proud of the Coweta Tiger's football team.  Ty Daniels, a linebacker that will eat your lunch, is one of Forrest best friends.  I'm so proud of Forrest for his achievements off the field too.

My family and I will be at the game tonight rooting the Tigers on to victory.  Forrest has been voted by his classmates to be on the Homecoming Court---quite an honor.  Our whole family will be there to see who get crowned king and queen for the night.  I can't believe my baby is a Senior in high school.  Can't wait to get pictures for the memory book.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Special little Angels~~ (and back -splashes)

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending my Grand son's very first field trip ever with his special needs class from Southside Elementary.  Eddie Jett has P-136 deletion syndrome.  It's an extremely rare, genetic disorder.  Our little buddy is almost 4 years old, and just took his first steps this past summer.  He's walking, (almost running), everywhere now, but has little battle wounds because of his balance issues.  Eddie Jett had to have a Mic-Key button implanted when he was just a couple weeks old.  This enabled us to feed him through a G tube directly through his stomach.  When the button would come out on occasion, my daughter Skylar was such a trooper, able to reinsert it like a pro.  It came out last winter during the massive snow storm we had here in Oklahoma, and Eddie Jett must have hidden it.  Since Sky couldn't get him to the Dr. she decided to leave it out and start feeding him everything orally...eating and drinking without Mic-key button...check!

The syndrome has affected his speech, but he communicates like a charm.  Skylar loves to sing the song by Allison Kraus, "You Say it Best When You Say Nothing at All".  She sang this as her talent when she won the  Miss Fall Festival Pageant in her Junior year of high school.  Well, Eddie Jett doesn't have to say a word.  We totally understand him with the sign language he is, (and we are), learning and the precious emotions he displays.  He's so smart.  So tough.  So determined.  So perfect.

Sitting in the Pizza Hut with all the adorable and amazing special needs children and their families, I felt so blessed.  It took a bit longer to get where we were going.  It was loud.  Table manners were a toss up.  It got a little messy.  But it was the most fun I've had in a long time.  There are no facades put up with these families.  There is no competition over who has the highest scoring honor student, or the highest scoring athlete.   There was only love, compassion and pure joy.  I'm not saying there aren't heart breaking moments for these families.  We've had our share with little Eddie Jett, but the little, simple moments in life mean so much and you learn to  enjoy each and every accomplishment and take on every challenge with your head held high and hands held tight.

I've found myself developing an intolerance for certain things since Eddie Jett's come along.  A few days ago I  was doing my hair and had the Home Channel was on.  There was a gentleman going on and on and on about how he was flipping a house and the back splash had not arrived to be installed for his open house that week.  He had put in marble countertops, expensive wooden floors, etc. and was complaining as though it was the end of the world because his exquisite kitchen backsplash had not arrived.  It was going to RUIN everything!  I mean he was back-splashing this and back-splashing that...He was SO utterly UPSET...this was going to completely DESTROY his entire project, not having this perfect backsplash!  He just knew the house would NEVER sell because of the late arrival of his high dollar back-splash.  After a few minutes each time he said the word, "backsplash", it felt like someone was piercing my eardrums-

Well, I came out in the room, stared at the T.V. in basic disgust, and  promptly snapped it off with the remote. I wanted to shove the word "backsplash" down his throat.  I know that sounds harsh, but it was just such a selfish, display of someone that is apparently hung up on material things.  That gentlemen, needs to go to Pizza Hut and the Pumpkin Patch with Eddie Jett's amazing, brave and precious class.  I think he would see back-splashes in a whole new light afterwards.    

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Busy day-

 Had a busy day.  Physical therapy for a neck injury I received this summer first thing this morning, then off to sub for an amazing 4th grade class at Coweta Heritage Intermediate...they got a great note to the teacher, and
was told by the adorable little girl with curly hair and wire frame glasses that could hardly resist visiting with me for most of the day, that they just might get a popcorn party for being sooo good!  I love it.

Then...back to Tulsa, (where my physical therapy was earlier), to fight Mall traffic.  Hit the stores and was successful at guessing Forrest's dress shirt size by having the nice salesman undo all the pins in the shirt and let ME try it on.  I knew just how big it had to be on me for it to fit Forrest.  (Only a mom).   Bought him dress shoes, and a tie to go with his blazer with a gorgeous filigree cross embroidered on the back.  All of this, by the way, is for Homecoming Friday night.  Forrest was honored by being voted onto the Homecoming court.  Will find out who gets crowned that evening.  So excited.  He'll look very sharp.

When I got home from the Mall, Forrest and I had a fashion show, but had to pull the pants he's going to wear out of the dirty clothes so he could try them with the blazer and shirt.  Will wash them tomorrow.  He looked great.  Then he read to me a beautiful song he wrote after school.   Just the lyrics.  No melody yet.
It's almost a tear jerker.  More info later.  I think he wrote it for a very close friend who lost his father.  It's going to be wonderful.

Stopped by my daughter Skylar's to pick up a bag of my precious Grandson, Eddie Jett's pants.  He is so tiny I have to sew a cinch at the waist.  He has his first field trip for school tomorrow.  He's going to the Pumpkin Patch, and Grammy, (or Ga-Ga as he says it), is going with him.  I cannot wait!

As much as I love summertime, I also love October.  I like pumpkins and Halloween...Forrest and his bud Ty are going as Bevis and Butt-head.  Hmmm...not sure how to help on that one. (Insert Bevis's laugh here). Cannot wait to find out what my three little goblin Grand babies are going to be.  You can bet I will burn a lot of battery on my digital camera snapping pics though!


Monday, October 10, 2011 we go!

Hello to all fans of music, and mom stuff!!  As I type this, very heavy metal music is coming from my son, Forrest French's music room/ (really his old bedroom that we put a couch, his amps, and all his former band memorabilia in)...after his two older sisters moved out and he got THEIR room--for those of you that are not familiar with my son's music career you can google -Forrest French---he is the former singer/guitarist for the teen rock band, Crooked X.  He is now a free agent and back in his senior year of high school at Coweta High School---I'm a very proud mom.  He's a 4.0 student and amazing young man!

In our house, since he was 4 years old, it was never, "TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN NOW FORREST!!!" was always, "HEY, FORREST TURN THAT UP SO WE CAN HEAR WHAT YOUR PLAYING!!   Thus, I tend to say, "pardon me???" and "what" a lot...hearing loss.

I'm also the mother of two beautiful daughters, and three of the most cutie- patutie grandchildren ever!!  I'm a (young) Grammy, but not ready for the rocking chair....still rocking!

I am starting this blog to let everyone know I have written a book, "Red Dirt Rocker."  I hope to have it published and out for the world, (especially middle school and young adult readers), to see within the next year!  I am so excited to share Forrest's story.  A small town, straight-edge, country boy who has to choose between high school, athletics, and his simple life in Coweta, (Cowtown), Oklahoma, or the exciting, upside down, and thrilling world of an MTV Artist.   It takes the reader from his football practices, and band practices with his rocking buds in his Aunt Carmen's barn, to his adventures in the music scene, ultimately opening for the one and only rock legends, KISS before 35,000 screaming fans in Stockholm, Sweden!

Well, the music has died down.  I think Grandson number one kept pushing the door open and trying to get in on the practice...the babies LOVE the music!!  Nope...the acoustic session just started up with his friend Keith!  Ahhhh!  Besides the sound of a child laughing, Forrest playing acoustic guitar is my favorite sound in the entire world~~

Well. time to go cook dinner, as Forrest serenades the house with a new acoustic song he's working on---I am one lucky Mama!

So proud of Forrest and all his accomplishments, as well as my daughters.  Just remember to give them the tools of the trade, whether it be a guitar, bat and ball., computer, piano, etc. and let them AMP it up to eleven.

Rock on sports fans!

Jody French
Red Dirt Rocker Mom